For Chippy

It’s a family reunion in Wozza Land!!!

yep , that’s HIM all right . Doesn’t his dad look young.Oris it his son.

Now get back to Surfermag general discussion forum , will you ?

stop knocking us midgets , we cop enough getting tossed over the volleyball net every time we visit the beach , okay ?

cecil the stumpman

the maturity level of the SurferMag BB is way too high for me. i like it better over here…simple minds you know


the maturity level of the SurferMag BB is way too high for me. i like it better over here…“simple minds” you know

"on the waterfront ‘’ , "alive and kicking " …

I liked some of their music …where are they now , though ??

Are they an OZ band? never heard of them, and i listen to a lot of different music.