For newbies: Be careful od black pigment!

Just glassed a fish…Laminated the bottom a nice deep blue. Went to do the top a little darker and added a little black pigment…Well, the end result is almost a solid black deck. Not good. Just a warning…I used maybe 2 teaspoons of blue and a 3/4 tablespoon of black thinking it would give me a nice dark blue. It’s dark alright. So dark that I am not going to give this to my buddy who paid for it! I’ll have to pony up some money and make him another.

your diploma is at the caligraphers and will be mailed as soon as you get your white cap and gown make sure your hands are clean before you take it out of the box its a rental…I suggest a drybrush white and blue tutti frutti pigment over the blackest blue and we will clear coat it for black light use …OH BABY…the truck stop bar will scoop this wallhanger UP to put one of those racy feminine stickers on…Im glad you have finally graduated ,now you know sumthin worthwhile…UNCLE … ambrose . CLEATUS…I got a bucket of uver pigment on the side just for dippin’

Pigment is opaque.

You should use black TINT to darken the blue.

Ambrose- As usual I have NO idea what you said…but I appreciate it I think…Or not? I don’t know, whatever…

LeeD- Yes. I asked for tint and apparently got pigment. I’m a huge fan of tint, pigment I could do with or without. This board is scratch now. It’s hilarious. I’ll post a pic tomorrow. If I could just “tear” off the deck lam and color I’d be fine. I’m chaulking it up as a “live & learn” type of deal. The thing I’m stoked about is that for both of my first two boards, I’ve gone with, what I think, are the hardest things to do on boards (cutlaps, tints(ok…pigments), deep swallow tails, beak noses, and solid colors on deck and bottom). If I ever decide to do a regular clear, non-swallow tail, it should be cake.

Have you glossed it yet? If not you can shoot it with water based flat paint and cover it with glossing resin. It will look like a surf tech, but the color will be changed.


True, true, you were taking the bull by the horns!

Wait till you get to shape and glass a roundtail, clear, single fin shorty. Piece of cake after what you have been thru.

That’s the problem with being a good surfer, you assume you can just transition into a great shaper.

I guarantee you will!

2 teaspoons of blue and a 3/4 tablespoon of black thinking

DAMN thats alot of pigment, slow down boy, dont you know pigment weakens resin??

LeeD - thanks…That’s what I’m shooting for.

Surflab - No, obviously I didn’t know any better…Live and learn.

Just think if it were not for Sway’s you’d still be pissing on the wall w/ your buddy. I’d guess that you received years of experience for free, and made some friends taboot…

I said …you learned a great lesson worthy of a college degree.

the skip coat application of white pigment ,dry brushing fine skip coat bry brush of multi hue colors life the colors of the detailin italian ice cream ,and sand followed with a clear gloss the finished product will be a visual master submission to the guild of evokative painting…worthy of instsnt sale where intoxicating liquids are inbibed …Uncl: taking the patron’s interest in your well being…Cleatus an unconventional name that may evoke thoughts of an injury in college football…I have a paper bucket of too dark blue in the corner of my glassing area that I just dip a chopstick into to color clear resin…of over pigmented resin…ambrose…a caligrapher is a guy who writes fancy for a living

why don’t you do a fabric inlay over the black deck, using a light color cloth? Cut some small holes in the fabric so the dark underneath shows thru. Might look pretty trippy…