I have a much better deal on some beautiful swamp front in FL or some georgous scenic desert in AZ. Your choice , cheap.
The island pictured is actually Henderson Island which would be considered “off the beaten path” to Pitcarners, already living on the most remote outpost on earth (it’s about 100 miles NE of the “Pit”). The island does catch some bitchen swells though.
Swampland? hmmmm. Desert, hmmmm.
Decisions, decisions…
How about a 2-fer one deal Greg?
I wonder if it can be delivered…
I’ve got a spot just off the coast here I can put it…
Postage shouldn’t be too much…
Would it???
Are you sure this isn’t the set for “Lost”…where’s Sawyer?
…better yet, where’s Kate.
Is this a case of false advertising?
…gotta chime in on this spelling war. Yes the Queen’s English isn’t like The Colonies, ya know.
Being from Santa Barbara, the likelihood of me using whilst or spelling gray as grey or color as colour is even less likely.
Bottom line is that both do just fine and we all still know what we’re talking about vs. trying to converse with some Brazil Nut’s Portugese or another fellow’s Swahili.
Smiles are a unviersal language.