Been a bit of plot redevelopment going on.
Tricky slope for walking on, that one.
Soon had that levelled out!
Rest assured, that large hole in the centre of the picture will be filled in properly.
With dirt and what-have-you
For the number 1’s and 2’s I’d imagine.
Just the one cloud in the distance.
Remarkably similar picture.
Cloud has moved a bit to the left.
Is that a cedar over there?
No cedars in the foreground.
“Bridge Over The River Kwai.” Great film that. Starred Donald Pleasance and David Niven. Haven’t seen it yet though.
Mind that orange fence, you rough blighters.
Road in the distance could well lead into town.
Bit like Moses and the parting of the Red Sea.
Only it’s brown. And not a sea
Per se.
Not cardboard boxes, proper building materials there.
Shallow what? Don’t be absurd man!
Cave in! Just kidding. Everything’s under control.
Fence down. Blighters!
We have no qualms regarding the bathing habits of the help.
The finished product!
Great work chaps, the cheque’s in the mail.