For Tom O'keefe

Did you get the Jig yet? I was just wondering. Thanks, again for all your help. Take care, Stephen Berube

Did you get the Jig yet? I was just wondering. Thanks, again for all your > help. Take care, Stephen Berube Yes, we did a couple days ago. Thanks for returning it. How have the installs gone? Tom

Yes, we did a couple days ago. Thanks for returning it. How have the > installs gone?>>> Tom So, far so good. The first one was the only problem i ran into. Got the template made, like Herbs, and it works well. They bolt ontop of each other. I’m using a rotozip with a steady hand. The only thing bad about it is that you got to take it slow, but works fine. The glass was a little different, but got it down. Just got to make sure i have overflow ring when i glass the boxes. I’m going to give Block a call and order some boxes to keep in stock and get plenty of the overflow ring, they make life easy. Testing hasn’t went well, becasue of the flat waves, but it looks like we are going to be having some in the next few days. Everyone here to stoked and ready for testing. Thanks for everything, all i need now is a catolog of all the fins, and supplies that RED X selling with prices and i should be set. Thanks, Stephen Berube