forehand vs back hand goofy vs regular

I was thinking today i prefer to surf front side but when i skate pool i like backside. any body else like this

i want to do a little poll

are you regular or goofy

do you surf primarily on your frontside or backside

and if you skateboard do you prefer the front side or backside.


Prefer to surf frontside, but it’s always a thrill to make a steep backside drop and bottom turns, In bowls and pools I actually like both. I used to be mainly frontside, but now I’ve been skating backside more, feels like you can really get on top of that board when pumping around high corners.

I am a regular foot surfer . I used to surf alot of lefts breaks in the Newport area, So cal. so my backside got real strong. Now I surf the right point breaks alot and I am getting a little more flow connecting turns better than I used to on the frontside. Skateboarding - I am goofy foot ??? Dont know why that is… I love both front side and backside in the pools at the parks. Me and my 6 year old son were going till I broke my elbow in august !! That ended my skateboarding when your in your forties thing real quick. I was ripping the pool the day I broke it (at least in my mind) … The video camera is always the real reality check.

surfing, I’m a natural footer… I like lefts and rights equally.

skating , I like frontside [forehand] berts, but backside [backhand] kickturns in bowls. Also in my forties… I am probably more cautious skating nowadays , after a coupla spine jarrings !

I like trying switchfoot skating when I’m just rolling down hills.

And , on surfing again…I’m hoping the upcoming “mal” I’m working on will help / motivate me to learn switchfoot takeoffs and surfing…I’d like to be able to eventually go forehand and backhand , natural AND goofy as well as a mate of mine can.

good question Turbohog ! Made me think…


Hi Turbohog

I am a natural footer. You can give me a rounded pin and a backhand wave anyday. I just love surfing backhand. Although most of my local spots are forehand.

Scate board we will see I put one on my X-mas list I hope my wife got it.

I would love to know what sort of tails you guys prefer for backhand surfing I like a rounded pin for backhand surfing.

Keep well

Swifty, I’m with you. I actually would go so far as to say I prefer round pins and going backhand at steeper, hollower waves like beachbreaks and going frontside on squaretails on mushier point waves. Going backhand on the speed runs, puts my body closer to the wave and I feel like my front-foot ‘english’ is under more control. Going frontside, I like to see a mushy wave to stay close to the pocket.

I’m a regular.

i like to do both but my forehand side is so much better then my backhand and i always tell my self that i need to work on it but when it gets good i always want to forehand. but your right a back hand wave does fell like you have a lot more power and control over it.

i broke my elbow about a year ago skateboarding to. i was doing a 5-0 in the deep end of the pool and teh truck sliped off and i fell 8 feet straight down right on my elbow in a concrete pool. yeah it was a bitchin time. i am only 21 and i think a lot more before i do things now. i have a lot of respect for the old guys that skate well.

Regular Foot.

Growing up surfing in Santa Cruz where 90% of the breaks are “rights” I have developed a strong frontside but have a lousy backside. I really need to work on it more since I do enjoy backhand bottom turns. In gnarly left breaks I sometimes pull out the old kneeboard since I am comfortable surfing lefts since I sit square on the board. I admire the guys that are solid going both ways on a wave.