Hey there ol’mates, it’s been a while. hope everyone is well.
I don’t know how things are in your neck of the woods, but, it seems like things are turning a corner in the surfboard industry down here in Australia, In particular, for small time shapers like myself.
People are keen to support their local shapers… From what i can tell anyway.
Country bumpkin shaping at home… It’s good to bring work home sometimes.
…hey mate; kind of metamorphosis due to you looks different than some stuff that you posted years ago…
Anyway; I have questions regarding the clip and proposition:
-with what type of camera did you recorded?
I have a good Fujifilm photo camera that takes video but when I tried the archives are kind of obscure format that I cannot reproduce in an editing software.
What editing software? The process is somewhat easy?
-Regarding music; I bought a pocket recorded. What about to make some music in the distance?
-Do not forget to use the wall racks as one plane not two planes…
I like to watch people from other places shape boards because as much as the internet has connected people, I still think there are regional shaping techniques and things you see people in certain places do that you just wouldn’t see elseware.
mmm so i did, I don’t know how I set it up that way, Ijust copy pasted the ‘address’ onto here, anyway…
Nope this was a pu board.
It’s .goes ok, to loose and small for me. Also to much vee out the tail, I can really feel it, sort of a bit of a break ha, The board was a real mash, just through together curves and had a dig.