Found old board. Real beater. Logo is Surf Board House Hialeah Florida. Any info appreciated

Found board I New Jersey. Made in Miami 1964? Want to restore.

Welcome to the forum Steve.
Could you post some pictures of the board and logo please?
It would be fun to see.

Haha yeah, I came for the picture too! Sounds like a cool project.

Hope photos are helpful. Have period correct wood fin for glass on from One World Surf in Sarasota. Really looking for information regarding location of shop, owner, etc. Anything! This board will be fully restored but only for wall art. Taken on so much water over the years, it must weigh 50 lbs.! Also, I believe logo is only half of what should be on board.

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Posted photos. Steve

Yikes!! I had no idea! Looks beyond revival to me, and I’ve attempted some pretty beat up beaters. I would recommend against it, but if you decide to go for it, hope you can post up pics and fill us in on the project as it goes. Wow.

Thanks Huck. I’ll definitely go ahead with restoration. I’m from New Jersey and not smart enough to walk away from this! The wall art approach gives me a lot of flexibility and I’m of opinion every board deserves a new life as it is part of the story of surfing. How Zen of me! I did find an image of the full decal/logo and it’s a diamond shape vs the triangle shown. Appreciate your interest. Mahalo Steve

" I’m from New Jersey and not smart enough to walk away from this!"

Hey, I resemble this remark…except not from New Jersey :rofl:

Please post pic of found logo and all the best for the project.

This guy came up in my ‘youtubing’ recently. He does some color matching but also some neat ‘as-is’ type repairs where the repairs are still visible but in the same color pallet as the original and then redoes the pinstripes (stringers?) to add a feature for the eyes to follow down the board.

Thanks jrandy. I had seen the video before. Good information.I’ll try to send photo/screenshot of logo. Steve

I’m from California & probably not very smart either cuz I’ve gotten into a few of these, just never had a really happy ending despite putting a lot of time & effort in. But I’m definitely one to jump in & try again lol.

That’s a before & after of one of my projects, turned out pretty cool as a wall hanger, I even rode it once, but its heavy as a tree trunk, and still looks pretty banged up although repaired, and the old fiberglass de-lammed in spots since my restoration. What I really want to do now is use the old stringer & the new fin I made and build a replica with a new blank.


This is another one I got real involved in saving I have a ton of work in it but its been on the backburner for a few years now keep thinking about getting back into it. Another heavy sucker.

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