Found site showing shaping and glassing;

I found a site ‘’ showing Master shaper Jim Phillips shaping with its video for sale. Then there is a section called Master Glassing series showing a daily shotlog you can click on of a guy named ‘Roger Brucker’… Who is he? Many shots of him showing ‘how to’ on glassing,colored lams,sanding and pinlines. Looks real good. Shows the boards in their stages of production… Check it out…Any thoughts??? Aloha

I found a site ‘’ showing Master shaper Jim > Phillips shaping with its video for sale. Then there is a section called > Master Glassing series showing a daily shotlog you can click on of a guy > named ‘Roger Brucker’… Who is he? Many shots of him showing ‘how to’ on > glassing,colored lams,sanding and pinlines. Looks real good. Shows the > boards in their stages of production… Check it out…Any thoughts??? > Aloha Welcome to Sways! Jim Phillips posts here on a regular basis and Roger B has previously shared his knowledge here also. Those two and many,many others, share their wealth of knowledge freely with everyone visiting this site with questions regarding shaping and glassing. Add to that, this video series they have made and man, it don’t get any better. So thanks for the heads up on the video, but we already knew. Come back soon.

Brucker is older than dirt! He is also one of the most generous people I know. I’ve had the pleasure of watching the glassing video being filmed and it should be killer, this guy could glass a dog turd and make it look good!

Thanks for the compliment Tuna ,but is this perhaps some sort of a ploy to get out of your sanding and polishing obligations?As for my age I must admit that when someone yells “Hey Geezer” I generaly reply.My good bud Jim Phillips is older than I am and still going strong.The question is why do we continue to mess around with surfboards?It is stinky dusty work and I guess you either have to love it or be off your rocker and twisted. R.B.

Thanks for the compliment Tuna ,but is this perhaps some sort of a ploy to > get out of your sanding and polishing obligations?As for my age I must > admit that when someone yells “Hey Geezer” I generaly reply.My > good bud Jim Phillips is older than I am and still going strong.The > question is why do we continue to mess around with surfboards?It is stinky > dusty work and I guess you either have to love it or be off your rocker > and twisted. R.B. I have just one bad thing to say about this. R.B. you are using the wrong filters on your mask. The once you are using are HEPA. You should be using OSV, which are black, I think. The resin I think call for the OSV filter. HEPA is for dust. You can stack them one on top of the other if you want to use the same mask for sanding as well as glassing, but I would not because of the weight. Just thought I would let you know.

I have just one bad thing to say about this. R.B. you are using the wrong > filters on your mask. The once you are using are HEPA. You should be using > OSV, which are black, I think. The resin I think call for the OSV filter. > HEPA is for dust. You can stack them one on top of the other if you want > to use the same mask for sanding as well as glassing, but I would not > because of the weight. Just thought I would let you know. Hey thanks a lot,I got those masks from a friend and never really checked them out,I normally buy my masks and filters from the auto body supply shop.The masks that you are describing do smell kind of “fumy” now that I think about it.I still use paper dust masks in the sanding room…I have a fan that really pulls hard,the dust rarely reaches my face.We are diong a section on safety on the film and a lot of what you see will be edited out…you are seeing little clips of around 15 hours of footage.What do you feel is the best mask and filter for resin work?I know that there is a lot of good stuff out there and would like input.Aloha R. Brucker

Hey thanks a lot,I got those masks from a friend and never really checked > them out,I normally buy my masks and filters from the auto body supply > shop.The masks that you are describing do smell kind of “fumy” > now that I think about it.I still use paper dust masks in the sanding > room…I have a fan that really pulls hard,the dust rarely reaches my > face.We are diong a section on safety on the film and a lot of what you > see will be edited out…you are seeing little clips of around 15 hours > of footage.What do you feel is the best mask and filter for resin work?I > know that there is a lot of good stuff out there and would like > input.Aloha R. Brucker roger- haven’t seen you post in awhile (i haven’t been checking in much, though) just want to say thanks again (i took my 7.5 home and boxed it, using the 5.5 w/ abrasive drum exclusively). hope all is well. jim dunlop

Roger, try the 3M 6000 series mask with the organic vapor cartriges. I’ts a good fitting mask thats light enough for all day wearing. Cheers, Scott p.s. I’m diggin the glassing pics!

Roger, try the 3M 6000 series mask with the organic vapor cartriges. I’ts > a good fitting mask thats light enough for all day wearing. Cheers, Scott>>> p.s. I’m diggin the glassing pics! Thanks alot. R.B.

Hey thanks a lot,I got those masks from a friend and never really checked > them out,I normally buy my masks and filters from the auto body supply > shop.The masks that you are describing do smell kind of “fumy” > now that I think about it.I still use paper dust masks in the sanding > room…I have a fan that really pulls hard,the dust rarely reaches my > face.We are diong a section on safety on the film and a lot of what you > see will be edited out…you are seeing little clips of around 15 hours > of footage.What do you feel is the best mask and filter for resin work?I > know that there is a lot of good stuff out there and would like > input.Aloha R. Brucker I think almost any of the major manufactures make good masks. Just remember that they come in sizes and you must be fit checked for any mask to work right. Look for one that is made of silicone, they are softer and fit better, they also cost more. Remember the OSV filters work different then the HEPA filters. The OSV filters react with the solvent vapors and trap them. You don’t have to have the mask on for the filters to keep working, it is always soaking up the solvent vapors and will at some time just not work any more. When this happens you start to pick up the oder of the solvent or what ever it is you are working with. Where a HEPA filter just starts get full of particals and gets harder and harder to pull air through. For this reason it is a good idea to keep you mask in a zip lock bag when you are not using it. Mark your filters with the date that you started using it, replace every 3 months or so. Oh and keep your new filters in a zip lock bag also to keep them fresh. I hope this has been helpful?

I think almost any of the major manufactures make good masks. Just > remember that they come in sizes and you must be fit checked for any mask > to work right. Look for one that is made of silicone, they are softer and > fit better, they also cost more. Remember the OSV filters work different > then the HEPA filters. The OSV filters react with the solvent vapors and > trap them. You don’t have to have the mask on for the filters to keep > working, it is always soaking up the solvent vapors and will at some time > just not work any more. When this happens you start to pick up the oder of > the solvent or what ever it is you are working with. Where a HEPA filter > just starts get full of particals and gets harder and harder to pull air > through. For this reason it is a good idea to keep you mask in a zip lock > bag when you are not using it. Mark your filters with the date that you > started using it, replace every 3 months or so. Oh and keep your new > filters in a zip lock bag also to keep them fresh. I hope this has been > helpful? I have never heard of a silicone mask…You have really got me thinking.Do you have any favorites that you use (make…model number)etc? While we are on it I used to get these really great paper masks that came from Japan,they were well fitting with a rubber type rim and had a valve for exhalation…I haven’t seen tham in years. Thanks Bagman.

I’m not a glasser or even a shaper for that matter. I don’t wear a mask so I can’t really help you on a brand. I think I was buying a 3M product. I used to buy most of the safety supplys from a place called Lab Safety Supply. I don’t know if they are on the web, but I will look and see. I was a safety officer for about 6 years, but that was about 6 years ago. I had to write a SOP for the people at the company, as well as do fit testing on them. I found the silicone would fit more people and not leak because of the softness of the rubber. I would not let anyone at the company use the paper masks like you are talking about because you could not do a self test with them. You should run a self test every time you put on the mask. I will get back after I look for Lab Safety Supply.

I’m not a glasser or even a shaper for that matter. I don’t wear a mask so > I can’t really help you on a brand. I think I was buying a 3M product. I > used to buy most of the safety supplys from a place called Lab Safety > Supply. I don’t know if they are on the web, but I will look and see. I > was a safety officer for about 6 years, but that was about 6 years ago. I > had to write a SOP for the people at the company, as well as do fit > testing on them. I found the silicone would fit more people and not leak > because of the softness of the rubber. I would not let anyone at the > company use the paper masks like you are talking about because you could > not do a self test with them. You should run a self test every time you > put on the mask. I will get back after I look for Lab Safety Supply. Try go down to personal safety, resirators, air purifying. I think one of the best in there is MSA or Scott both make what looks to me like the right call. Hope this helps some of you guys out. You don’t want to end up like me with out all of the lungs you need on big days. I can’t even make it out on some of the big days anymore.

I think almost any of the major manufactures make good masks. Just > remember that they come in sizes and you must be fit checked for any mask > to work right. Look for one that is made of silicone, they are softer and > fit better, they also cost more. Remember the OSV filters work different > then the HEPA filters. The OSV filters react with the solvent vapors and > trap them. You don’t have to have the mask on for the filters to keep > working, it is always soaking up the solvent vapors and will at some time > just not work any more. When this happens you start to pick up the oder of > the solvent or what ever it is you are working with. Where a HEPA filter > just starts get full of particals and gets harder and harder to pull air > through. For this reason it is a good idea to keep you mask in a zip lock > bag when you are not using it. Mark your filters with the date that you > started using it, replace every 3 months or so. Oh and keep your new > filters in a zip lock bag also to keep them fresh. I hope this has been > helpful? That’s where I keep my masks when not in use. What I find funny is I know a few people who don’t think the mask keeps filtering even when not in use. Aloha, Kokua