Four corner fusion

Anybody else had afour corner fusion of the wrist? Wondering about when you could get back to surfing? Had mine done mid May, cast possibly coming off tomorrow. Just been paddling in the ocean last month or so. Still feels very sore. And just found out I have carpel tunnel to go with it due to the surgery.  Any thoughts?

I had neck fusiion, C5-6-7 (or C4-5-6) in 2000. I had to wait about 3 months before I could surf. I know I had to wear the neck brace about 12 weeks, so it may have been longer than 3 months. Just let the doctor tell you when it’s OK, and don’t take a chance. If it’s still sore I’d take it easy.

Well saw the neurologist yesterday. Confirmed carpal tunnel. Saw the hand specialist today. Three more weeks in the cast.Was feling kind of down, looking forward to starting to rehab my wrist.Then took my 12 year old son and his friend for a surf this afternoon. I was going to paddle for some exercize. My  son said dad that Bethany girl from Hawaii can surf with one arm. Why can`t you? Well I had the longboard and gave it a try against doctors orders and had a blast. first time in two months. A little awkward getting up from one hand and an elbow, but I was able to do it. Just took the push from the next generation.Put  a whole new perspective. on things.