fractured patella

I realize that this is not a design related question but some of you may be able to help. I fractured my left patella back in November. The kneecap split in half, the top went north the bottom went south. Surgery went good and it is almost time for rehab to start. My question is has anybody else gone through this type of injury? I want to be able to enjoy surfing as much as I did before this happened. Any advice would be appreciated.

I realize that this is not a design related question but some of you may > be able to help. I fractured my left patella back in November. The kneecap > split in half, the top went north the bottom went south. Surgery went good > and it is almost time for rehab to start. My question is has anybody else > gone through this type of injury? I want to be able to enjoy surfing as > much as I did before this happened. Any advice would be appreciated. Bottom line…find a good sports med. physical therapist.Herb.

I realize that this is not a design related question but some of you may > be able to help. I fractured my left patella back in November. The kneecap > split in half, the top went north the bottom went south. Surgery went good > and it is almost time for rehab to start. My question is has anybody else > gone through this type of injury? I want to be able to enjoy surfing as > much as I did before this happened. Any advice would be appreciated. My suggestion: Don’t knee-paddle. [wink] (Sorry.) Seriously, not long ago, a surfing friend of mine seriously injured his knee…although it was more tissue-oriented. I just remembered that his therapist kept telling him to relax and take it easy. Don’t try to rush the recovery. He was back in the water in about six months, and his knee was still not yet fully recovered. So he just took his time and enjoyed the water and waves by riding prone. He had a great time just riding on his belly. I know this probably isn’t advice you need, but just thought it might help. Take it slow. The waves will always be there!

I will be working with the PT people at Kaiser. When o.k. by them I’ll incorporate swimming for range of motion and get out my canoe for upper body workouts. I’m thinking the calf leash might not be good anymore (goofy foot) but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Thanks for the encouragement. For the near future my only surf vehicle will be this old laptop.

I will be working with the PT people at Kaiser. When o.k. by them I’ll > incorporate swimming for range of motion and get out my canoe for upper > body workouts. I’m thinking the calf leash might not be good anymore > (goofy foot) but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Thanks for the > encouragement. For the near future my only surf vehicle will be this old > laptop. Mook, Sorry to hear about your knee accident… I write from the perspective of one who`s had numerous serious injuries over the years, often from surfing and infrequently without the benefit of adequate medical care: listen carefully to your physicians and work hard within the limits that are prescribed. In your lifetime, there are lots of great waves yet to come, many of which have your name written all over them. Dale

I realize that this is not a design related question but some of you may > be able to help. I fractured my left patella back in November. The kneecap > split in half, the top went north the bottom went south. Surgery went good > and it is almost time for rehab to start. My question is has anybody else > gone through this type of injury? I want to be able to enjoy surfing as > much as I did before this happened. Any advice would be appreciated. Mook, Good post operative physical therapy. Get your Dr. to prescribe it. Eat good. Good proteins. Large doses of vitamin C. If you smoke cigs , stop. It sounds as if you know all this already. Good luck!

I realize that this is not a design related question but some of you may > be able to help. I fractured my left patella back in November. The kneecap > split in half, the top went north the bottom went south. Surgery went good > and it is almost time for rehab to start. My question is has anybody else > gone through this type of injury? I want to be able to enjoy surfing as > much as I did before this happened. Any advice would be appreciated. When you do your physical therapy, be sure to inform your therapist what types of actvities you plan to resume upon rocovery. This will be important as to how your therapy will be approached by him/her. If you have to, bring in a picture of your board and descibe in detail how you surf so that the he will understand the types of leverage and stressors that are a part of surfing. Unfortunately, due to insurance limitations you may not be alloted enough therapy time to bring you back to surfing fitness. I strongly encourage you to do post therapy work with him out of your own pocket. If your therapist does not do post therapy rehab look up an athletic trainer such as those used by pro and college sports teams or even your local high school. These people manage injured athletes from the time of injury through to full playing. Look for someone who is a ATC, certified athletic trainer not joe body builder at the local gym. They will be able to get you back in the water. With lots of hard work determination you be back out stroking into your favorite break. good luck.

I will be working with the PT people at Kaiser. When o.k. by them I’ll > incorporate swimming for range of motion and get out my canoe for upper > body workouts. I’m thinking the calf leash might not be good anymore > (goofy foot) but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Thanks for the > encouragement. For the near future my only surf vehicle will be this old > laptop. You might consider incorporating a non-performance soft surfboard for paddling and prone wave-riding into the rehab when the time is right (with advance ok from physical therapists). They are totally uncool to be seen on (the boards, not physical therapists), but you would get a chance to ride waves and work out your actual surfing paddling muscles, with the tremendous upside of not cracking your kneecap on the hard deck of a regular board. Gotta be better than nothing at all.

…so you were in the barrel, and a dolphin dropped in to ride with you, and you didn’t see the turtle in front of you…was it something cool like that??? Get well soon, GF

No nothing cool I was doing yard stuff. I slipped on the patio while scrubbing windows. Right leg went forward and came down on left kneecap. Ended up with a depressed section where the patella used to be. Somehow ripped off the toenail on the left big toe on the way down. I appreciate all the advice given; I do have some equipment at home to stay in shape once PT gives the ok. The hard part was that right after this happened the weather / surf got excellent here on Maui. (Kona winds and North swells) All I can do is watch it from the house and wait for parts to heal.

No nothing cool I was doing yard stuff. I slipped on the patio while > scrubbing windows. Right leg went forward and came down on left kneecap. > Ended up with a depressed section where the patella used to be. Somehow > ripped off the toenail on the left big toe on the way down. I appreciate > all the advice given; I do have some equipment at home to stay in shape > once PT gives the ok. The hard part was that right after this happened the > weather / surf got excellent here on Maui. (Kona winds and North swells) > All I can do is watch it from the house and wait for parts to heal. yikes…that was a gnarly visual. the best advice i can give you is try and preserve/regain range of motion in your rehab. this will prevent further injury and or re-injury. you probably have your knee in a fixed or static position while it heals (?) if so, atrophy and decreased range of motion will occur with the muscles associated with the joint. since you are in da islands, chances may be high that the pt will also surf and understand the associated motions. that in itself would be a great bonus…good luck with the rehab…

Whats a Patela? I thought it was some kind of mushroom.