
Imagine a multi-segmented surfboard with an assortment of nose, tail and middle pieces that can be mixed and matched (Think RedX meets Pope-Bisect). While you sit on the beach, studying the waves, you carefully pick out the pieces that would work best for the playful conditions. Deciding on a round nose and swallow-tail, you paddle out on a 5’4" fish. The fish is FAST but you wish it would bite a little more on the bottom turns. You paddle in, add an additional foot to the mid section and replace the swallow-tail with a rounded-pin. It works! It’s noon, the sun is beating down and the surf is picking up. The round nose keeps catching on take-offs so you swap it for something a little sleeker. You add another foot of foam and slap on a pin-tail. Now you’re surfing! It’s late. The sun and swell are dropping fast and your arms are spaghetti, You wanna go home but know you’ll never have the lineup all to yourself like this again. You remove the needle-nose from your board and put the round nose back on, as well as four more feet to the middle. One stroke, two strokes and you’re up! The trim… the glide… the speed! You pretend like your doing cutbacks when you take the turns in your car during the drive home. An imaginary barrel covers you up as you pull the blankets over your head in bed. You dream… Hey, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming right?

if your’e gonna dream might as well dream in technicolor, I always wanted a longboard that morphed down to my favorite 5’10 as soon as i caught the wave, kinda like a towboard with out the ski… Remember the Clinton multitails?