Fred's Surfboards 1960's Oahu, Hawaii

I am looking for some information on Fred's Surfboards from the mid 1960's, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii. I bought one of his boards back then and now writing an article about surfing. Does anyone know Fred's last name? Tks.

The Surfing Heritage Foundation doesn’t even know his last name.



Someone here might. Got a few kama’ainas on board, here.

Much Mahalos brudda for your feedback. I know around 1967 Fred moved to Ewa (from what I can remember from a friend of mind at the time) so, maybe someone in Ewa will remember him.

Only two Fred’s come to mind, when talking about surfing and Oahu, in the 1960’s.       Fred VanDyke, and Fred Hemmings.     Could either of them have loaned thier name to the enterprise?    Seems unlikely, but you never know.       As I recall, Hemmings was involved with Duke at that time.

Tks for your reply..but the Fred I'm looking for had a shaping shop in Wahiawa during the 60's and his father was an Officer in Schofield at that time (info received via emails from Randy Rarick).