Free EPS Block in La Jolla

I’m moving from San Diego to the Silicon Valley.  I have a big block of 2 lb EPS in my garage that needs to go as soon as possible.  It is 30" wide and 10’ long.  I have already cut three boards out of this block so it is kind of an irregular shap.  There is enough foam to cut out a 4" thick board with lots of room for rocker in the nose and tail areas.  You’ll need a truck or a van to pick it up.  It’s too fragile to strap on top of a roof rack.  The block is in La Jolla.

Send me a PM if you are interested.

I’m still trying rid of this hunk of foam.  Anyone???

I'll take it !!!!

Shit, I was just down there!

I started working up in San Jose a couple of weeks ago.  My wife and kids are still in La Jolla until the end of the month.  Before I left, I put the block of foam in our driveway and wrote FREE on the outside with black Sharpie.  Every night, since I moved up here, I have talked to my wife.  She always told me that the foam was still stitting in the driveway.  Tonight she told me that she heard a big commotion outside of the house today.  She walked outside and found a group of junior high school age groms picking up the block of foam, and were carrying it down the street on their heads.  They said they were super stoked to have found the block, and thanked her again and again.  I’m glad some kids got it, and that I don’t have to worry about it when we do the big move.  I hope they make some nice boards.  

Real Sway’s spirit there Swied. You should commend yourself with stoked Groms on top!