free lapped spray...

i have been checking the archives, but nothing was too specific for me. i am spraying a blank with color. the only problem i might seem to run into is with free lapping. would spraying with clear acrylic before glassing help with the paint not bleeding or smearing?

i have been checking the archives, but nothing was too specific for me. i > am spraying a blank with color. the only problem i might seem to run into > is with free lapping. would spraying with clear acrylic before glassing > help with the paint not bleeding or smearing? I’m no painter but i believe bleeding is because you sprayed it with to much pressure. The paint tends to dry before it reaches the board and has a chance to dry on the foam… Overspraying. Its faster but not right!!! spraying a clear would work i’m sure but its another step?? I hope i’m right…

I’m no painter but i believe bleeding is because you sprayed it with to > much pressure. The paint tends to dry before it reaches the board and has > a chance to dry on the foam… Overspraying. Its faster but not right!!!>>> spraying a clear would work i’m sure but its another step??>>> I hope i’m right… What color are you talking about? give me some more specifics on your bleeding problem. Rob is on the money #1 cause of color bleeding under tape is pressure, also tape quality is a big factor here, no place to go cheap, spoken from one who has had to sand off color and start over… wont make that mistake again. Also fades should be sprayed wet so it saturates the foam before drying…

What color are you talking about? give me some more specifics on your > bleeding problem. Rob is on the money #1 cause of color bleeding under > tape is pressure, also tape quality is a big factor here, no place to go > cheap, spoken from one who has had to sand off color and start over… > wont make that mistake again. Also fades should be sprayed wet so it > saturates the foam before drying… Or is the paint bleeding when you are glassing. If this is the case, are you watering down your paint with water? Sometimes the acrylic level is too low in the paint, especially if you are watering down the paint. Use acrylic floor sealer as a thinner to keep your acrylic levels high. Otherwise the styrene will attack the paint and cause it too bleed. Also, some colors feel dry, but are not. This is also a problem.

i am spraying in red. i use an airbrush with the small little compressor, not much pressure. i guess i will try and spray very lightly, then shoot with a clear cloat. any more suggestions so i don’t ruin this board???

i am spraying in red. i use an airbrush with the small little compressor, > not much pressure. i guess i will try and spray very lightly, then shoot > with a clear cloat. any more suggestions so i don’t ruin this board??? Red is one of the colors that can appear dry, but still have moisture in it.

Red is one of the colors that can appear dry, but still have moisture in > it. do a layer of white first, red is too transparant

do a layer of white first, red is too transparant only on a dark back color, same for yellow