[french cuisine] Olive and polish.

Here is the first tint and polish board I get from the glasser.

I must say tha t 5’10" x 21" x 2"1/2 fish makes me really happy.

It’s a shame I have to let it go…

Fins are FCS Wood Keels. Lovely but heavy fins.

nice shape on that board.

do the FCS fins float?


“…and just when you thought it was safe to go back to the water…”

You’d better wear sunglasses with such a great polish…

Congrats to you, Lob, for the shape, and to Chacal for the glass work!

that board is beautiful! great job! by the way, what is the glassing schedule?


by the way, what is the glassing schedule?

Being a classic fish, the deck is a double 6oz and bottom a single 6oz.

The glass over the green is really deep.

Polished board are so beautyfull… but they tell you all the truth about any mistakes, shapewise or glasswise.

The more shiny you want the board, the more accurate you have to shape.

Even if you knew it before, each polished board reminds you.


do the FCS fins float?

No, they don’t.

Those FCS are really well foiled and made.

But they are sooooo heavy…

I put those on on special demand for people who are certain to travel with the board.

Otherwise, I can shape wooden keels or propose different glass on resin&fiberglass fins.

The full FCS kit is 450gr for the fins and 500gr for the six plugs !!!

That means close to 1kg (2lbs) just for the tail area.

SO I do not absolutely like the FCS solution but it’s the only available in France as far as keels are concerned.

I wish I could find Lokbox easier but I have to order them in England (retail for Europe) and they finish to be really expensive at last.

wow, that’s a lot of weight, especially for non bouyant weight.

thanks for the info.


It is.

We must admit we got used to dealing with dead weight at the back of our boards.

Glass on fins, classic removable fins etc… they DO have a weight: about 300 to 400gr for standard glass-ons, 200 to 250gr for normal FCS plus the 500gr for 6 plugs (FCS gives 84gr for a plug plus the resin needed) so, the difference is “just” 300gr more than an usual FCS schedule.

But the fact is I prefer to go on heavier glass jobs and glass-ons than on lighter boards with removable fins.

Because the weight is places all over the board and not just in the last foot.

But when you’re asked to put som FCS fins, then you do it.

I wish I could find Lokbox easier but I have to order them in England (retail for Europe) and they finish to be really expensive at last. ???


Hi ,

I use lokbox on all my fishes boards, and the result is way better than those FCS you have, lighter, and wayyyyyyy stronger. You also have access to lots of templates, giving you and the customer better mach on the fin choice.

They are around 46 euros ( 2 plugs and fins), sure you have to invest on the setup jig, but it also work for the US box. When plugged directly on the blank, you barely see the plug under the tinted coat ( an other advantage).

I am the only shaper in The Netherlands ( but I’m French). If you want more info on those send me a mail I will forward you my phone number.

Mick in UK (southernbooks@lineone.net ) is a very nice guy, and can supply you with all ya need.

You board rules by the way, love the polish as well as the shape.

I have attached some pics of lokbox fins on a green fish…



The pictures are cool.

I’ve ordered some fins to Mick but no lokbox yet.

Seeing your pics will finish to convince me.

I’ll have my glasser put som on my fishes soon.

And yes, mick seems to be a nice person (I just ordered once: bonzer runners and center, single fins, speed dialers).

On the top of it, lokbox uses rainbow fins and the system is cool.

I’ll go for it really soon.


I ‘ll be home in bordeaux ( le Haillan ) next week to visit my parent, send ya shaperoom’ adress , I 'll visit if I have the time.



I pm you

Any idea on how to get that nice green. People often post a Moonlight glassing board with a similar deep green that I have always admired.

Is it just more blue or is there a trick to get it dark like that.


well, I can’t say ho my glasser did that colour.

He loves to mix pigments…

I’ll let him know you’d like to ask him the way to do such a green…

He possibly will answer.

Hi guys,

Anyone have experience with Powerdrive fins systems? I’ve got them on my Greg Stokes longboards but I am considering them for my own shapes, however I haven’t had any experience in placing them. I’ve only ever mounted US box’es and Tuttle/PowerBox (Windsurf) and glass-on side fins, so I’m new to this part of the show… The cut through the deck should be similar to windsurf boxes which also go through the deck but it looks like a bit of work to get them to sit flush on the deck. I suppose FCS has the advantage of not going through the deck, does this Lokbox you talk about go through the deck? Like the PowerDrive it looks like it has some adjustability to it which is nice.


The powerdrive will get you nowhere as the deck will cave and split around the box. Better get FCS if you shaped a normal thruster, for fish’s lokbox is the best. All the boards I got in repair with the powerdrive where all cracked on the deck.



The chocolate flavoured bigger sister.


When plugged directly on the blank, you barely see the plug under the tinted coat ( an other advantage).

Howzit Arnaud!

When you say plugged directly on the blank, you mean before lamination? If so, wow, how to make sure it sits flush under the lam and coats? Would you mind if I came and watched some time?

BTW thanks for offering to help with PU/PE materials but I’ve gone EPS for the moment as my significant other doesn’t like the smell of polyester in the house :wink: Epoxy is a little more home friendly … When my shaping gets better I may try PU/PE if I can get a location that doesn’t mind the smell.



Hi lob, a curiosity… what is the final weight of the board (with the fins)?
