Something to paddle and surf fast when cold water comes to be heavier.
The idea was not to make a “radical-manoeuvres” thing but rather a “take speed and large curves” one.
Si, we went on a 6’4" x 19"1/2 x 2"1/2 roundpin with a three fins with deep super concaves…(let’s not wake Campbells up by calling that board a bonzer).
i have a template similar to that - minus the concaves, with subtle vee out the back - but 5’11" and have used it up to 2’OH on reefs in the bahamas. i would imagine that board would be super fast, and despite what you said about radical tricks, i think you could still get vertical with it.
Showing a concave on a straight edge like a diamond tail is quite easy… on round tail, the whitheness of foam in the picture disolves some curves. And when the roundtail come so cmose to a pintail, curves look even more difuse.
Mesurements are taken from the nose: the first one 15cm off the nose, then, 30cm from the first point and so on each 30cm. The last one is taken 15cm from the tail.