[French Cuisine] Will that be fast enough ?

The purpose was to create a winter board.

Something to paddle and surf fast when cold water comes to be heavier.

The idea was not to make a “radical-manoeuvres” thing but rather a “take speed and large curves” one.

Si, we went on a 6’4" x 19"1/2 x 2"1/2 roundpin with a three fins with deep super concaves…(let’s not wake Campbells up by calling that board a bonzer).

now that’s a fun looking board!

i have a template similar to that - minus the concaves, with subtle vee out the back - but 5’11" and have used it up to 2’OH on reefs in the bahamas. i would imagine that board would be super fast, and despite what you said about radical tricks, i think you could still get vertical with it.

have fun!

Very nice Lob, I always enjoy checking out your shapes! That thing looks like a goer for sure.

Always beautiful boards Lob

I like the outline! Looks like a winner. I have one question though. Could you tell me why the concaves were not carried out to the rail?

In fact, they do.

But it’s hard to see on the pictures.

Showing a concave on a straight edge like a diamond tail is quite easy… on round tail, the whitheness of foam in the picture disolves some curves. And when the roundtail come so cmose to a pintail, curves look even more difuse.

thanks heaps for posting that , Lob !

it looks very much like the template I have in mind for MY next , a “widowmaker”.

What would the nose and tail widths be , please ?

And the nose and tail rocker , too, if you don’t mind ?

cheers mate / salut pote !


I’ll take mesurements today, no worries mate.

Hi Ben, here are number for you.

Mesurements are taken from the nose: the first one 15cm off the nose, then, 30cm from the first point and so on each 30cm. The last one is taken 15cm from the tail.

Everything is in metric mesurements.

Nose + 15 = 23.8cm

Nose + 45 = 42.8cm

Nose + 75 = 48.6cm

Nose + 105 = 49cm

Nose + 140 = 44.2cm

Nose + 175 = 32cm

Tail + 15 = 23.6cm

The board is done, ready to surf…

Here she is: (mesurement on top of thread)

nice !!!

now, can you please also post that bonzer bottom 4 fin [‘quattro’] board you have at the french website , pote ?


monsieur le ben chipfish61

That one ?

It’s a 5’8" x 20"1/2 quad fish.

Not really a bonzr bottom.

But i have created a pair of concaves tha push water on the outside of the back fin and then create lift.

Of course the board is not mine but i could try and surf it for a short time.

It’s a very responsive and fun board.

Loved it.