french fishy cuisine

Last board I made:

A 5’4" x 20"1/2 x 2"1/4 rounded nos fish.

The guy I made it for is something like 5’8" and 60kg, he surfes really well and usualy surfes on 5’9" x 18"1/4 x 2"1/8 shortboard.

That fish is supposed to mix the good things from older fishes: the killer outline and the good things from nowadays boards: rails and bottom contour.

Thr board has a light concave stating at the middle of the bottom, a double concave betwin the fins and a light V also.

Should go really fast and fly…

I had the opportunity to try the new FCS keel fins set.

They look insane… the only trouble is: how long will the plugs hold such a fin surface ?


WELCOME back Alex / ‘Lob’ !

great work , as usual !

5’4" …wow !! [sounds like a Derek Hynd kinda size !]

I always know , when we haven’t heard from you for a while , it’s because you’ve been off creating another work of art …

…now , how about a spray on your NEXT board ?? (…something WILD , perhaps ?!)

cheers !


p.s. - thanks for the shot of the new fcs keel , too, by the way ! …“SUPERBE” !!

[A guy posted a question here recently about homemade wood keels for fcs …there’s the ‘template’ for him , right there !]

Outstanding Lob!

i still think those fcs keels would be enhanced with 4 tabs.


Outstanding Lob!

i still think those fcs keels would be enhanced with 4 tabs.

Merci about “outstanding”.

I do my best and try to improve board after board… looks like I somehow succed.

I think those FCS look really clean but…

I’m afraid the plugs are gonna suffer quite fast.

I’ve noticed the bas of the keel is flat… but the bottom of the board (due to the lift) is curved… so the base of the keel is something like 1.5mm over the bottom.

So, I think those keels should have the “teeth” removed, be sanded and glassed on.

hi Lob !

just get him to sand the tab down , so it sits flush in the plug .

cheers !


Are you guys sayin four tabs will be better because you’re afraid of the fin breaking off at the tabs, or the plugs pulling out of the board?

I just got a pair of solid fiberglass “rocket fish” keel fins for a fish/twinny hybrid from Rainbow Fin Co. They look and feel really sweet, but they only have two tabs, which concerns me. I plan on filing a deep notch into each of the tabs to make them a little more break-away friendly, to keep the plug from breaking out of the board in the event of an accident.

Make sense?

yes !

I reckon that’s a GOOD idea …it worked for me !

A mate of mine suggested I do the same with my triple tabbed [homemade] wood keels . Which I did . It saved me possibly pulling a few plugs out of the board . I can always make another set of keels . I suck at replacing fcs plugs though .

cheers !



Are you guys sayin four tabs will be better because you’re afraid of the fin breaking off at the tabs, or the plugs pulling out of the board?

NJ_surfer, I just feel a little afraid because FCS plugs are known to pop out from the boards with really big finss such as MR twins…

So I hope Three plugs will be enough to hold the gigantic keels.

The fin himself looks really nice and solid, I guess they would not break.

The idea of glassing the fins on just came from the fact that the fin base does not touch the board all the way long. And that is a pity for a fin not to connect the boar (hydrodynamic stuffs).


And that is a pity for a fin not to connect the boar

“The boar”?

Grouiiiiik! Grouiiiik!

Merci Balsa.

Sooooo much.

You’re always welcome, man.

In English, this is called a private joke. In French, it’s “un prêté pour un rendu”…

Just ask Lob, he’ll explain to you all how funny that is. Or was…

nice. how does it ride? I think it’ll ride nice.


great to see you back with yet another work o’art for us to wish we owned! Nice board, and the usual Swaylock’s mantra- How does it ride?

It’s not been riden yet.

It’s been glassed just three weeks ago.

I think it’s first try will be saturday or sunday as waves should be 1m high and the resine cured.

I’ll update as soon as the owner says something.