Friendly European Wave(s)

Came across this beauty on my morning “surf check.” Looks pretty fun.

Ca va Guilhem ?

looks like anyone could ride that until you see the little guy dropping into the beast

Friendly European Wave(s)


In winter Europe goes big!


Came across this beauty on my morning “surf check.” Looks pretty fun.

Ca va Guilhem ?

Oui, ça va. Ca va d’autant mieux que je laisse à d’autres (plus jeunes, mieux entraînés) le plaisir de surfer à cette taille et avec cette température. Je connais mes limites et je suis un peu vieux pour ça maintenant… Mais c’était bien beau à regarder!

Bof ! Je suis tout a fait d’accord. Moi aussi, j’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer mes limites. C’etait une vague a Guethary comme celle la qui m’a envoyee a l’hopital a Bayonne en Octobre 2006. La ! La !

En effet, la vague a Guethary donne l’impression d’etre faisable mais ca tappe tres fort…

garde a lui qui sous-estime ces montagnes maritimes…

Welcome to the new french edition of Swaylock’s!

Guys, your French is no doubt better than my English…

And, yes, Parlementia does “separate the men from the boys”, at times… As I said, size + temperature make for hazardous conditions, especially when you’re a bit out of shape (like me).

Even considering that the only real challenge of this wave is the take-off (once you’re on it, usually, it’s a child’s game), you still have those huge rogue sets coming out of nowhere way outside to manage…

Oh, and, here is a photo of another one of those “friendly european waves”, taken last sunday at La Barre:

Much more friendly up north… maybe except for the temperatures.

La ! La ! It’s great to see La Barre show itself after all the jetties and construction on the coast.