Froth Pak spray blank...DIY

Has anyone used those Froth Pak two part spray packs to blow a blank? Looks like isocyanate, 1.75lb/cuft. I’m guessing it’s just like the “Great Stuff” foam in the red can, just a larger quantity.


from time to time there are people who post on here, asking about making their own foam blank, or promising to try, and post pictures.

they always get ample warning that making a foam blank is not a d.i.y. project

and I cannot remember ever seeing anyone complete a homemade blank and post pictures

it might be possible to make a hollow wood surfboard and fill it with foam.  but a foam blank?  I really have my doubts.  why would you even want to attempt this?  just saying


Don't let these A$$wipes tell you it can't be done. I've done a few as a DIY project. It's easy. Here's what i did:

1) Make a rocker template of you board out of 1/8 masonite, stabelize it with 2x2 and 2x6 is. The left over chunk can be used as a template (killing two birds me daddy always said)

2) Put some rocks or sand bags under it so the foam wooont try to flatten out the project, or better yet dig a hole in your backyard and make a 'Blank grave/coffin"

3) I used appromitely 5 cans of Ecofin spray foam fron china. Spray this all over the board/masonite jig

4) cover in wax paper, then put another masonite board on top

5) fill blank grave with dirt or sand.

6) let expand and cook for can directions, and pull.

When its done peal away the masonite and wax paper, you will have a professional quality blank that would make Mr. Clank Blank dude green weth envie.

Their might be some holes and dirt from the expansion and burrying, but a bit of spackle and that blank will be ready for a nice royal blue tint job.


peace out!


P.S. That Resinhead dude or the old no nothings will probably post here saying it's a waste of time to do this or that...Well screw those seal lickers., That Dude got an old way, I mean I'm trying to do it on a budget two, I want to make sick cheap rides to. It's way to hard for me to source the marerial and build like the pros. I think I can under cut the pros and make a good product to.

 If you want. I even have a recipe for homemade wax! it's super easy, and you don't have to dig a coffin grave


Good luck and post the presults




One more thing Ecofin is Green, like you can use it and be cool with the enviro!

Hi, very interesting post. Probably you can post some pics of your blank and your way of building the blank. thanks

This kinda reminds me of the guy who paints his car with spray paint cans.


Holy crap.

How many cans will that take?

Well, in the spirit of DIY,

Go for it!

Maybe just buy some two-part poly foam kit from a boat supply store.

I used some to fill an area under some plywood in the hull of a sailboat I restored.

It was very similar to surfboard foam. Just not as white.

Probably easier than squirting all those cans.

I was told it takes about a resin bucket full to make a shortboard blank.

Post pictures.

Good luck.