Is anyone aware of any So. Cal. shapers who specialize in 11’-12’ boards in the spirit of Skip Frye? I’m looking for serious glide, and since it’s nearly impossible to score a S.F. these days, I’m hoping to get the name of a shaper who’s really into this aspect of surfing.
come surf w/ us in april Ill have the whole arsenal out for us to surf lydgate…recieve a clue…and an oppertunity to hear the baseline and melody…ambrose… intra- scholastic
come surf w/ us in april Ill have the whole arsenal out for us to surf lydgate...recieve a clue...and an oppertunity to hear the baseline and melody...ambrose... intra- scholastic
Hello Ambrose
Are you going to have a bunch of your shapes out for demoing somewhere in April???
If its in early April let me know…I will be in So-Cal in early April. I have seen some of your shapes at the Nor’Easter in Mass. they look nice.
unfortunately paul gross is no longer shaping, or i would say go to him.however, he did kinda pass the torch to spence, who can be contacted at ventura surf shop.
I dont recall any over there…perhaps the two I made a few years back for a guy named kim Townsend in long Island?
I’ be interested to hear or maybe there’s another ambrose curry up there
very interesting.
april 22 weekend of or stop by any time in waipouli I’ll take you for a morning surf…ambrose…demonstration not demollition,respect the board and it will last…
I’m surprised no one’s said it yet: Jim Phillips. I ordered an 11’1 1/2" section connector from Jim last year. The board will spoil you. Don’t loan it out as you may not get it back, and don’t expect to easily go back to riding your 10’0 which now feels like paddling a 7’6. Set up an appointment, work the outline with him, then let him do his magic.