Does this band influence anyone else’s approach to surfing and or shaping?

I can’t say they’ve had any influence on my surfing, but I probably saw Fugazi a dozen times. I got to spend a bit of time with the guys in the early 90s traveling up and down the west coast and really liked them as people as well as musicians. I think the last time I saw them was when I was living in Japan and I was pretty stoked they remembered me enough to get in touch and let me know I’d be on the list for the show. Not only do I dig their musicianship and the message of their songs, but their whole approach to life, especially the integrity they show in the way they run the business aspects of the band(s) and the label, and their follow through on their personal politics has inspired me, especially as they kept it up as they (and I) got older. It’s always good to have people out there to show you that you don’t have to give in to square society just because you’re getting older. Or something like that.

I got to see Ian a few years ago when he came through SLO with his acoustic thing The Evens and he’s still going at it strong - sharp as ever.

“Sitting in the Waiting Room!”

They definitely rock. I burnt a hole in that CD in high school. Got to see them at Roseland in NYC. Great show!

Hell yah!

“…like Styrofoam!”

how has Fugazi influenced your approach to surfing and shaping?

They were part of the DIY ethic of music, ranging from recording your own music to arranging tours etc…

Applies in some cases to the same sort of business ethic of handmade surfboards (ok, not all the way down to blowing your own foam but you get the idea!)

They are also one of the most awesome bands ever.

pimk floyd and bob wills…


Track 2: Lusty Scripps

That’s been my personal soundtrack of many good surf sessions.



Track 2: Lusty Scripps

That’s been my personal soundtrack of many good surf sessions.

huh? waterproof walkman?

huh? waterproof walkman?

Nope, just in my head. When I’m surfing at my best, there’s always music playing.

well i just see many parallels between the progression of surfing and music (and any subcultures within) through time.

the story behind fugazi and the reason behind why people do things, their awareness of themselves and the art they choose to be active in reminds me of the level of self-awareness/awareness of surroundings someone like greenough (well-known example; there are MANY others) posesses. ( hints of charity/monasticism/minimization of the superficial/disregard for popular opinion/belief in potential of self/hyper-moral/deliberate humbleness bordering on appearing insincere)

for example (just my opinion):

hardcore punk emerges, initially only creative/intelligent people have the ability to see the beauty in it/be genuinely interested in it as an art form. jocks hate it/think its stupid/weird. commercial interests are non-existent.

scene forms because of the undeniable energy involved and expressed. the jocks that hated it now see it as popular (their only reason for liking anything is an attempt to fit in), cut their hair and “join in”. fights/idiots become more prevalent. commercial enterprise is now ‘intrigued’ now that there’s a demographic growing to sell to.

the subculture becomes ‘pop’ and the true artist (fugazi/greenough) is already doing something else that everyone thinks is dumb or weird.

These concepts are well-known and nothing new, the businessman uses it to sell for profit, the charlatan uses it to become an esteemed ‘artist’.

The thing that reminded me of this and had me laughing was that hull pics thread. There were people on there touting hulls that years ago posted about laughing at wilderness and stubbies and called someone a ‘name-dropping prone man’ haha

The point is people need to stop worrying about being a part of something just to be accepted, and start getting together, as unique individuals, to DRAG THIS HUMAN RACE FORWARD.

Yes it probably won’t change anything


and the only way you will be truly loved, by those who know what love is.


fugazi is good . but i think ian mackay s best work was with Minor THREAT . but waiting room is a classic!