neighbors starting to complain about the smell. any one ever use a full room air filter? I am working in a shed in a nice neighborhood and cant aford to piss anyone off. I used to do it in oakland and no one cared but now…
any suggestions short of moving or killing the neighbors?
Dear Oaktown,
We tried to develop a filter for our glassing room based on the theory of how the organic filters for glassing masks work. We used 2 hp motor from a cheap home depot filter system. We built a box to hold a 14 x 14 prefilter and hooked this to the intake to make sure nothing was drawn into the motor’s squirrel cage. The output pipe feeds into a large diameter (6") piece of pvc pipe about 2 feet long. In the PVC pipe we basically built the same setup as a mask cartridge. We started with filter material followed by activated charcoal (about 8" worth) followed up with more filter material. We bagged all this into used pantyhose to allow it to be forced in the PVC pipe and then to be removed when the charcoal became “saturated”.
This system seems to have meet with limited success. We did notice a difference in output air quality but the smell did not disappear completely. Another problem was that the filter reduced air flow by a huge amount. Possibly a larger motor would solve this problem.
I had wondered what making the air bubble through water might do. Possibly adding the “filter” before or after the water treatment.
Try this website: I have the F70C model. It works great for particulates and I beleive you can get a carbon filter that helps to reduce odor.