funny story

been on the lookout for some foam for awhile now…only things i found in close proximity

were short blocks with frets on them…then i found this company who have bigger blocks

but thats a 2 hour drive, and i was planning on going there…but then…

the other day i called up a friend of mine who works for quicksilver here in oslo to ask him

if he could hook me up with some extra work…he told me he had to speak to the boss and said

he would call me back the next day…next day he calls and say yeah sure, so now i got a new

job at the warehouse, were im going to be packing and unpacking clothing,wetsuits etc…so i go up there

to the quicksilver house and spend an hour or so talking to my friend…telling him about my shaping

plans too, among other things…sorry for going on and on…but then as i get up to leave i notice

something in the corner that looks like foam blocks and by god it is…hahahaha…so i thought id take some

pics of them …here they are…theyre made by norwegian company - rockwool…

its xps and pink…what glue to use when laminating? we dont have things like gorilla glue and elmers here…

some of the glue types i have looked at are for marine use, but the seem to be a bit rubbery and not completely

hard…is this ok? could this actually be good so the board flexes insted of it being rocksolid?

the glue is made for boat building and repairs…any tips on this…thanx…


If you need to glue 2 or 3 planks to achieve some thickness, I recommend NON-SOLVENT contact cement (they call it “contact cement for polyestirene use”. A can of 1KG and a cheap squegee will be enough.

Once you have the planks glued, shape the board. Then you can only glass it using EPOXY resin. Be aware, it’s expensive (20€/kg).


ta turen til fredrikstad og kjøp en stor blokk med EPS isteden. Ekstrudert polystyren har problemer med delaminering, selv om det ikke skjer så ofte. Ta en liten godsnakk med dem og si at det viktigste er at EPS kulene sitter meget godt sammenføyd. En 240x120x60 blokk går på takgrinda(ca. 80 kg) og er nok til en haug med brett. Burde koste ca. en tusenlapp. Jeg bestilte gjennom byggmakker og betalte ca. 1200,- På turen kan du kjøpe epoxy og glassfiber hos trebåten i ski eller nesodden eller hva det nå var Eller sjekk med diabgroup i asker eller noe. De skal ha epoxy og en del eksotiske materialer for vacuumbagging og sånn. Du må bruke epoxy til å laminere glassfiber utenpå brettet, polyester vil smelte polystyren skummet. Finnes masse info om dette i arkivet. Du bør lime inn en stringer, enten det eller legge på masse glassfiber eller så knekker det litt for lett…

Lime blokker i sammen er et lite h… for ikke å snakke om når du skal begynne å pusse/høvle ned limskjøtene som ikke har samme tetthet og/eller er mer/mindre fleksible enn skummet. Du sparer deg MYE bry med å skaffe en stor blokk og lage en hotwire cutter. Sjekk arkivet.



Sorry guys…


Lime blokker i sammen er et lite h… for ikke å snakke om når du skal begynne å pusse/høvle ned limskjøtene som ikke har samme tetthet og/eller er mer/mindre fleksible enn skummet. Du sparer deg MYE bry med å skaffe en stor blokk og lage en hotwire cutter. Sjekk arkivet.

I couldn’t have said that any better…

One for the archives…


Hey Haavard

I Googled to find out more but all I got were languages I didn’t understand.

I think it’s cool to reply in native… I’m sure Oldskull appreciates it as well, never say sorry when the circumstances warrant.

I’m just so stoked he got a job at Quickies…if it paid what I’m earning at the moment I’d jump…



Try from Norwegian to English (ohmigod what an awful translation!)



Hey Haarvard,

Thanks for the link. That is so cool. I’ve valued your input to Swaylocks over the past couple of years and i’m blown away by you and other euro’s mastery of multi languages.


Hei Haarvard ,

Takk for leddet. Det er så avkjøle. Jeg har vurdert din input å Swaylocks over fortiden par av år og jeg er blåst fjerne av du og annet Europa beherskelse av mange- språkene.


Hi Jong, thanks. Atleast I’m better at those languages then that godawful computer translator. They are good for a laugh though(And with some experience you can figure out what the original text was supposed to meen).

