Furthering board design-ethics and morals

I need feedback here. I recently saw a photo in Surfer mag that would help answer a design question posted on this open discussion forum. Swaylock’s forum allows users the ability to post an image with their question/response. I was was thinking how cool would it be to post the photo I saw in the mag to help answer the question. Will that raise ire in the Surfer or another publication’s staff or would they chalk it down to sharing and promoting of ideas? Swaylock

Product shots shouldn’t be a problem, but It does become an issue when there is a professional Photographer involved…they will want their due. I think of Surf Magazine as a resource, a quotable one…but get their opinion! and give them credit, of course :-)! I know I appreciate people asking permission to use my images…I rarely say no. Debbie G&S Surfboards http://www.gordonandsmith.com