i wanted to get some feedback from anyone who has tried this method…every board that has a colored lamination, i re-lam over top with clear…is it possible to route the future slots thru the colored lamination, install boxes…then do my clear lamination??? hope i described it properly…thanks
i wanted to get some feedback from anyone who has tried this method...every board that has a colored lamination, i re-lam over top with clear...is it possible to route the future slots thru the colored lamination, install boxes...then do my clear lamination???
Yes. It looks a lot better cosmetically if the boxes are routed after the layup specially with opaques and dark tints.
Don’t lam with tint after you install the futures. It looks like dump. I just made this mistake on my latest.
thanks for the reply…where there any problems with the depth of the cut when routing thru the lam??
I wish I could give you good advice on this, but I can’t. I am only on board number 3 right now. On my second I put futures under green pigment. The results were poor. I’ll try and post a picture of the problem.
I just don’t want you to make the same mistake I did. Hopefully someone will chime in here to give us some tips.
thanks for the post of your board pic…that’s exactly what i assume will happen…i am going to try cutting thru the lam first, then install…i will follow up with how it comes out
all the way to sand coat, routed the slots, capped with patches and clear
looks pro
i’ve found that the pigment will work with future boxes as long as you dont let the resin ooz out on to the board surface when you push the box into the hole. it has worked best for me to “paint” the resin on the box with a brush and then drizzle a little into the deep part of the routed out hole. this method has worked for me (the box is solidly set in the hole and never come loose or pulled out) and looked really good. im no professional though so there might be better ways. i still havnt figured out how to post pictures on these forums or i would show an example.
are you saying to brush the boxes with the lam color before installing,install the boxes,glass as normal??? sound like it could work
unless you in a big hurry to get the board done… lam the board, hot coat the deck, then prep the lap, then route the holes and install with clear lam resin. cap with 6 oz e with clear lam resin, hot coat the bottom.
sand and etc etc etc. surf!
p.s. it can be done another way but the chance for error for everyone is much greater.
prep the board, pour the tint in the holes, push in the boxes, roll the cloth back out and lam the tint like normal then after its all lamed go back and finger f it till it kicks and try you hardest to make it even other wise there will be either air or blotchy ness and floating the tint over the box makes the cloth rise and when sanded will be weaker then the other method
One I’ve seen that works with tints (and only with tints- not with opaques) is use black boxes. The black will disguise any discoloration in the tint that happens over the boxes.