Does anyone know where I can buy one, used or new, for a good price?
I have a router, do I need a specific ryobi router or are there different kits for different routers?
Does anyone know where I can buy one, used or new, for a good price?
I have a router, do I need a specific ryobi router or are there different kits for different routers?
You can get the Future Installation Kit with our without the router at our shop or on our website at . The router that is spec for the Install kit is the Ryobi TR45K Router and 1/2" diameter 1/4 shank Bit.
Let us know if we can help.
Good luck-
dont put any resin IN the fin box, hehe. use lam resin to glue them in, tape over the fin slot and then glass over them.
Thanks a lot! The only other thing I need to know is what kind of resin I put in the fin boxes to secure them, before glassing.