Future Strongbox Questions


I just purchased the Futures Strongbox Router Template Set and am wondering if it’s possible to use the same small Makita router that i use for my regular Futures boxes (i.e. thruster sets) or do i have to buy a different kind of router? I noticed that the bit that comes with the Strongbox set is much bigger than the one that can fit in my little Makita. Has anyone ever seen a How-To video on how to use this Strongbox template? Thanks in advance for any advice!


Are you talking 1/4" versus 1/2" shanks or cutting flute length?

I just bought one myself, but have yet to use it. It is recommended that you use a plunge router. You can get a Ryobi or Harbor Freight for under $100. I’m away from my shop for awhile so am unable to check. Diameter may be differant. The length of the shaft may be differant. If it is you may not be able to get the proper depth necessary for the box. I do know that the same box can be used for Bahne/Fins Unlimited boxes as well. Other than the opening it looks just like the old Bahne jig. Maybe Brad/FoamEZ will jump in here and set us straight. That’s where I bought mine. Lowel

Yeah, I had the same problem. Had to buy a 1/2 inch router. Works great though. And I love the futures LB box. Easily capped pre glass.


The futures website has their own videos for strongbox prep installation and glassing. They also have instructions you can download. Need a router with 1/2" collet and plunge base.