Futures Glass Lite fin repair

I found a thread about repairing a chip on a glass-on fin, but the people who posted (2 total) had their accounts deleted so I couldn’t reply.

I’m a newb in this forum. I fix dings as a hobby but I want to learn more stuff and take it a bit seriously.

I recently had a ding on my Futures F4 Glass Lite fin. It hit the rail of another board so the ding is on the leading edge of the fin. I don’t have a digicam so I can’t post pictures, sorry. The ding is about 1/2" long and a little over 1/8" deep (from the edge of the fin to the deepest point). What’s the best way to fix this? Will epoxy stick/putty work?

Thanks and kudos to this site.

Hi I’m not familiar with the F$ Glass Lite fin, is it expoy or pol? solid or core??

Asuming it’s a solid glass fin, I’m no pro but what I would do is first give the ding to give a sand with 100 grit so the resin has a key and tape off the fin or cover it in wax.

Then tape off same wax paper to one side, to the centre line of the leading edge and make a damb around the ding and high enough on the centre to just below the fin thickness.

I’d then wet our some glass rope or make some by pulling the long strands from a square of cloth, wet this out and lay that in the space.

Once thats set up I’d hot coat and this and sand back to the originalfoil of the fin.

You could also make a thick resin paste from shopped strand mat but mix it up real well and let it sit for a while to avoid air bubbles. its a bit messier and you may need to do a couple of applications to fill the ding.

hope this helps.

Chopped up some glass, mixed with resin, stuffed it in the chip, wrapped a transparency sheet around the fin’s leading edge = worked wonders… thanks