Futures Jig without router?

Anyone know if/where you can get the Futures installation jig without the router that comes with it? I have a really nice router already and would hate to buy another. Or is anyone willing to sell their used installation jig to me? Any help is appreciated.

Howzit FishGuts, I think the problem you might encounter is the futures jig is set up for a certain router and since some routers have different bases measurements yours might not work with thier jig. I think you can get the whole set up for about $150,00 and I know I have a couple of routers set up for different applications.Aloha,Kokua

Ahh, gotcha. Looks like I’ll have to suck it up and buy the whole thing. I just inherited a nice, new router from my grandfather, too. Ahwell…Maybe I’ll convince one of my friends to split it with me. Thanks, Kokua.

Or make your own jig? Didn’t someone around here make one from an old teflon cutting board?

That is a good idea. I saw a couple ideas in the archives for making your own…But It would probably be best if I use the “official” jig for the first couple times 'till I get the hang of it. Then I can experiment with different ideas and improvise.

a cheaper alternative for you would be to use Probox instead of futures, their install kit will work with any router, and only costs $45. Also works like gangbusters, read up here and I don’t think you’ll see a single negative comment from anyone who’s tried it.


The guys at probox are awesome. I got the promo kit last week. Im waiting on resin so I haven’t used it yet, but they definitely have great customer service.


hard to go wrong with the proboxhawaii configuration.

I had some epoxy pour issues last weekend trying to pour from too tall a container but resolved that with a glue hypodermic injector. On soft EPS though just do wood/hard foam inserts or coat the hole with a thin coat of resin or use real slow kicking resin like RR to prevent overheating do to the epoxy pooling and the melting of the foam surrounding the insert. No issues with PU blanks at all.

I’m also building a futures jig for my router for a quad/5 fin setup out of 1/4"-1/2" ply.

I don’t have a compressor so these vacuum jigs everyone is selling is of no use to me and I already have my own Ryobi laminate trimmer I got for the Proboxhawaii installs.

You can download the Futures install manual and come up with your own two part jig.

But that was a good idea making it out of those plastic teflon-like small cutting boards.

But you can’t go wrong with the price, ease of use, and versatility of the proboxhawaii set ups.

They take FCS and other fin types and allow for 0-8 degree of cant, and 1/8"-1/4" forward and backward adjustments

They even have fin blank material if you want to make your own fins.

Best of all the guys are great to work with… But then so are the Lokbox, Redx and Rainbow folks…

Howzit Keith. Not all routers will work with Probox, My plunge routers base is to big and falls off the edge of the jig so I had to make a base attachment to use it with Probox but any small base router works just fine. Aloha,Kokua

Oops, my mistake. OK, make that, MOST routers will work with probox. Hadn’t heard of that problem before…