Hi guys,
Anyone had an experience using the long box jig and bit? Like this one: http://www.surfboardstudio.com.au/longboard-jig-plate-with-future-single-cut-bit-router-not-included/
Hi guys,
Anyone had an experience using the long box jig and bit? Like this one: http://www.surfboardstudio.com.au/longboard-jig-plate-with-future-single-cut-bit-router-not-included/
Thats what i use, you need a router with a 1/2" chuck instead of the 1/4" chuck that you would normally use on all the other Futures bits. Take measurements on how deep the bit goes when its in your router, I had to use a couple washers on the bit to make it go deep enough in my router (cheapo ryobi 1/2" chuck). You will also need to measure the base of the router and line up the jig so it fits perfect. Once everything is dialed in it works perfect, but be sure to measure everything over a few times before you route out your first finbox slot.
Hope this helps!
Amazing, thanks mate.