and all yes all the goirlz on the beach inside
lifted their retro vaurnets gasped
and looked arround for brad Mc Caul
who was scheduled to be peddling snacks.
cold drinks and unsigned autograph tennies.
was that 2011 when that guy what’szizname
overthrew the hierarchy and ushered in a
brand name era where budoni bold ruled
the waves of air water and sound.Fear not
the heresy has still to corupt light.The light
within rules supreme.Hey Kid wanna $BUCK?
channel 250 on eating oatmeal fig pancakes
some guy interviewing other some guys
pimping their history at the big shorepound
down from pupukea,they have their own lingo
pig dog-doggie door jump offs what a world.
nobody hung five,and now you say eric von zipper
got a pro surfer to wear his motorboard,how cool
I want one for my they make them for poodles
mine will be dyed pink for spring.She will be so cute
with s yellow bow and a pink surfboard…
and the wheel goes roun’
and the horses go up and down
and they lean way out to grab the gold ring.
some fall when they reach way too far
especially when they forget they are
sedated against living real life.