G&S shaper sig ID?

A friend of mine came into possession of a G&S “Classic” recently. Looks to be early or mid 90s vintage and it’s a 3 stringer speed shape single fin reminiscent of the Hynson Red Fin. It is 8’6".

I got a pic of the shaper’s sig, but cannot read it. Maybe one of you recognize it? (Balsa Bill?)

As usual, the first post in a new topic only gives a link to attached images. So, here’s a second post to display the image directly.

Who can help Sammy?

My guess (and it's a guess), Larry Mabile. If you squint at it, that's what is suggested. But I've never looked at his sig...

Mike, now that you mention it, it does look like it could be Mabile’s sig. Not sure. Did he mow foam for GandS during the 90s?

I don't know, someone has to help us out here...

Yeah it’s Larry Mabile. He shaped for G&S in the 80’s and 90’s.  In the early 90’s, G&S went through major financial problems, and shut down their board building department. G&S surfboards was licensed to Harland Patterson who owned Pacific Surf Glass. Larry Mabile shaped them at PSG shop. Around that time the rests of G&S  shapers - Hoy Runnels, Terry Goldsmith and Mike Russo got hired by Rusty. If that board has a Pacific Surf Glass lam on the bottom, it’s from that time. And if that board also has any paint on it, I most likely painted it.

Didn’t see a PSG lam on it. Just a stock GnS lam near nose with the “Classic” lam in yellow down toward the tail and offset like the old Hynson lam was done.

If I can remember right, Harland had the license for about 2 or 3 seasons.  Eventually, Larry Gordon took it back, but PSG still did the glassing for the most part. During that time, Masi Saili (then Larry Gordons son in-law) also shaped some of the G&S’s, as well as LG doing a few of them himself. Later on, G&S’s were built at Waterlines Glassing. Sadly, Waterlines closed it’s doors this spring. I’m not sure who’s doing them nowadays. Anyway, that’s definitely Larmos sig.

I was at a friends house in Asheville, NC this weekend. This board was stuffed behind a wood pile. Brought it home and cleaned it up. It’s been sitting out there for a while. There are a few rough patches on it. There are also a couple of spots that look moldy under the glass…should this just be wall art?



Nope. Doesn’t look that bad, and still has all three fins. Fix the dings and ride it. If you don’t like the ride, give it to some kid who can’t afford his own board.

Thanks Sammy