Gaeta Surf contest

In my spot we organize every Year one surf contest. This is 7th year… this is most important in my country…Is open no federal contest. About 75 contender (1 from San Diego and 1 fom Brazil) fight in medium quality wave. This year won brazilian boy he grab 1000euros (isnt much because we dont have important sponsor). And inside the contest one memorial …Fabrizio Giannoni and Fabio Lutzu they are dead in Asia in a car crash they come in that place for surf. this memorial is just for local and friend of this guys. For first time Italian network come for some video session and we have half hour on television. Italian wave isnt like ocean but passion and love for this sport is very big. Next year im glad if some swaylokian in holiday in my country come to visit our spot and maybe grab the 1000 or more euros. see this site and watch our waves… No good quality video…but this is the net. I think people understand my rusty english. cheers