I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this:
Is this Dave Gallardo guy for real? Can a person REALLY rip someone off in this industry and expect to survive the outcome… oh wait… I forgot… it happens all the time.
Guys (Gallardo Surf Co.), give credit where credit is due… have you no shame?
Oh yeah… one more question… how can you use the plurals “we” and “us” and the use of “Company” when you (Dave Gallardo) are the only person at Gallardo surf Co.??? Do you have multiple personalities assigned to eachstep of the HWS building process?
… “Hey… Me #1, go cut out that frame with a razor knife… and Me #2 go get my bottle of Tite Bond II glue, and glue up those rails… and Me #3, go get me a beer while we wait for these rails to set…”
Come on… and to even post a thread asking Paul and other HWS builders questions on how to build the one board you built, so you could design a website around it.
…not cool.