Gallardo Surf Co. has completely ripped off Paul Jensen, and this must be known amongst our community...

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this:

Is this Dave Gallardo guy for real? Can a person REALLY rip someone off in this industry and expect to survive the outcome… oh wait… I forgot… it happens all the time.

Guys (Gallardo Surf Co.), give credit where credit is due… have you no shame?

Oh yeah… one more question… how can you use the plurals “we” and “us” and the use of “Company” when you (Dave Gallardo) are the only person at Gallardo surf Co.??? Do you have multiple personalities assigned to eachstep of the HWS building process?

… “Hey… Me #1, go cut out that frame with a razor knife… and Me #2 go get my bottle of Tite Bond II glue, and glue up those rails… and Me #3, go get me a beer while we wait for these rails to set…”

Come on… and to even post a thread asking Paul and other HWS builders questions on how to build the one board you built, so you could design a website around it.

…not cool.


That guy is the reason Paul took his how-to off the internet. Here is the origonal thread.

Ha! Weak.

From the site, pimping the “next run” of boards, thrailkill inspired pintail gun: “The pintail design offers no particular “advantage” to the rider. It’s a style thing.”

Man, he knows his surfboard design, too!

The one board on his site is nice, but nothing beyond what the other hws guys are doing. Plus he does seem to be jumping the gun a bit on marketing, especially the apparel. No mention of any previous shaping history or anything other than that one board… But whatever, I’m sure the dollar $igns will fade from his eyes soon enough. Its a niche market, and I have a hunch that those who care enough (and know enough) about HWSs to spend the $$$ dough on one will want something from one of the guys who has been doing it for at least a couple of surfboards.


The pintail design offers no particular “advantage” to the rider. It’s a style thing.”

yeah…i read that and just had to laugh. who does this clown think he is?


makes you think about the world and how it can stink at times. Unfortunatly gentlemen no longer run this world. It’s gone to the dogs…

maybe we should all support some sort of Open Source type of license thing where we basically bind ourselves to a gentlemens agreement, like the linux geeks do. it seems to work in that industry.

for my own part I consider my own work to be cretive commons type knowledge.


From the site, pimping the “next run” of boards, thrailkill inspired pintail gun: “The pintail design offers no particular “advantage” to the rider. It’s a style thing.”

That comment is one of Bill Thrailkill’s . … . posted on this forum !

When Bill posted it no one questioned what he was saying.

The whole thing is a storm in a teacup IMO.



The pintail design offers no particular “advantage” to the rider. It’s a style thing.”

yeah…i read that and just had to laugh. who does this clown think he is?

The ‘Clown’ thinks he’s Bill Thrailkill. . . better start backpedalling mate

(" oh, Bill said it, well pintails aren’t really so great, it’s just a look really ")

BTW Bill told me that he didn’t even like that pintail design much himself, that he prefers squaretails, and that it was only built because a customer wanted it that way !


Gallardo Surf Co. Classic Thong


So Paul Jensen has been making thongs too ?

Is there a secret thong recipe ?

How about HWTs ? (That’s hollow wooden thongs to the uneducated, Crotch clogs to the herd )

personally, I prefer females to go grudless


sorry, buddy…but i don’t backpedal. tail design changes the board. that same board with a 6" square tail i imagine would ride quite differently. if i’m wrong, someone please let me know…or better yet…explain why.

I agree, it’s just funny how no one said that to Bill when he posted it.

Anyway this thread is nonsense, if Paul had been completely ripped off then he would have no clothes, no workshop, no boards, no house, no car, and no gruds. So it’s all nonsense, don’t tell me he’s out there standing naked in a field !


TomBloke, I just did a search, and can’t find where Thrailkill made that comment. Maybe you can find it for us? The feeling I got reading that blurb was that part of it was attributed to Thrailkill, and part of it was pulled out of the mind of whomever was trying to write ad copy for that page. Since he didn’t use quotes to indicate where a direct quote was used, one can only assume that the whole thing was paraphrased.

At any rate, to say that a pintail is for style only, and has no effect on how a board rides is against the common wisdom of the surfing public, and to make a claim like that that on your website, with or without the backing of a well-known shaper, is just an invitation to have your knowledge of surfboard design questioned by those who have a clue. Not a good thing for someone selling multi-K$ surfboards.


I agree, most all of this is much to do about nothing. Copy is the best form of flattery, but is he really copying?? Ripping off what?

I won’t speak for Paul, but I doubt he’s threatened. He’s good and he’s always been quick to share knowledge. Many good craftsmen are eager to share knowledge in an effort to perpetuate an ever increasing pursuit of perfection among those with a passion to go for it. There are a lot of guys out there making foam, balsa, composite, old-school, new-school boards just like the other guy is, but just because someone makes a website and advertises doesn’t necessarily mean they are ripping or stealing from anyone else. Unless there are patents or copyrights that I’m unaware of, I don’t see reason for drama. Methinks free enterprise and competition is a beautiful thing.

Gotta enjoy the ride!

Richard McCormick

had i seen the original post…i would have!

and i dunno, man…you don’t need to be in the poor house to have been ripped off. you sell board plans for how much?..$50 each? how about i buy one, then turn around and sell it 100 times on eBay for $10…did i rip you off? of course i did!!! (despite the fact that your life is exactly the same as had i not sold your original ideas for my own personal profit).

are these availiable at wal mart?

the Cut back turn as opposed

to the bottom slasher whipcut

of the full density lumber crafted surf plank

would ,in my opinion ,

be fully exposed to a class action suite

from all model airplane builders world wide.

Why if orville and whillburr were alive now Their litigators would be biteingst at the bars on their cells.

the one thing that is a greater form of flattery

than being copied,

is someone defending your originality.

to those with their intentions in the right place …kudos…

as far as the situation having litigous merit?

not likely.

as far as gallardo being a d+ kook,maybe.

I would like to go on record

as having nothing to do

with running over the guy’s board with my van

while he was changing in the john.

why I was 3000miles away and I dont own a van.


the fin boxes should be made of ebony veneer

not white plastic.

gallardo is a front for an invasive non surfer species

from drydock minnesoda

and his grand ma

makes unreal cobbler.

if he gives us all some cobbler

well mebe we will let him drive

but we all reserve the right to leave our wallets untouched.

I like the messenger bag

it will be popular at back to school time

with the minisoda U. surf crowd

I herd that some guy named roy stewart just ordered 3 of these pintails

thats from an undisclosed source in MI5.

I’m having that confirmed by the CIA online.

once these have been reverse engineered he will persue having them duplicated in the far east for pennies out of

rattan and will be availiable in K-mart by april for 150bux

that roy stewart is a financial genius.

this Gillarda guy better watch out


when you drop in on somebody

somebody else will drop in on you

dave gallardo spelled backwards is paul jensen


had i seen the original post…i would have!

and i dunno, man…you don’t need to be in the poor house to have been ripped off. you sell board plans for how much?..$50 each? how about i buy one, then turn around and sell it 100 times on eBay for $10…did i rip you off? of course i did!!! (despite the fact that your life is exactly the same as had i not sold your original ideas for my own personal profit).

This guy may have learned everything from Paul Jensen, but Paul Jensen is a grown man who posted all the info himself step by step, and never seemed interested in selling them–also, it is a methodology you could have synthesized yourself from pre-existing methods and just having heard of “carbon fiber.” Paul did. 2 guys often invent the same thing simultaneously. (I’m not arguing that’s what necessarily happened here)

I think the guy’s nuts from a man-hours/business model standpoint, but look at all the clothes and the logo, and it looks more like he’s trying to make a living doing what he likes doing and make up some of the difference by branding soft goods.

To me, it looks like Bill T. is getting a royalty or is a bro, and that all sounds a lot like what he said about fish tails.


The ‘‘pintail comment’’ was not made in a post. It was made to Dave @ Gallardo in a PM. The comment was in direct response to a question about the particular board they are copying. The operative word in the comment is ‘‘advantage’’. I stand by the comment, in that in my experince, there is no particular advantage to the pintail design. I look for advantages. Again, in my experience, squaretails are faster. That is why I prefer them. As to apperance, I think the most beautiful surfboards are pintails. I’ve made, and ridden a great many of them. Do they ride differently? Sometimes. Was there a "particular advantage’’ to the design? Aside from looks, no. If anyone wishes to discuss this with me feel free to PM me. Shwuz, thank you for taking the time to search for the comment. I respect that kind of effort. As to the subject of the thread, it seems that the only person with a possible beef, is the REAL TOM BLAKE, who published the basics of HWS construction in 1935. Everyone else stands in his shadow.

Edit: The correct date of publication for Tom Blakes’ article is July 1937, in Popular Mechanics.

this is all old news anyway and was hashed out last fall. I believe they were even nominated for the annual Swaylocks awards, in a category I’ll let you discover for yourself. Search the archives if you want the back story.