I never got the specs off your magic 10-footer. John
John: Saw Gene in the lineup not too long ago, the 10’ was in tow. Not sure he is online in his new location. Tom S.>>> I never got the specs off your magic 10-footer.>>> John
John:>>> Saw Gene in the lineup not too long ago, the 10’ was in tow. Not sure he > is online in his new location.>>> Tom S. Tom, I think I met you at the jetty last summer. Gene switched off with your big friend and rode his big fish(ripped on it). I shot some video then paddled out wearing a white hard hat found in the flotsam. It was a hot day.
Yep, that was a good swell. You can e-mail me off the BOARDs page if needed or visit thirdcoastsurf.com Tom S.>>> Tom, I think I met you at the jetty last summer. Gene switched off with > your big friend and rode his big fish(ripped on it). I shot some video > then paddled out wearing a white hard hat found in the flotsam. It was a > hot day.
Gene recently moved to South Padre.