Geoff McCoy 1944-2024

On the 22nd April, 2024, Geoff McCoy passed away from heart complications.

R.I.P Geoff, interesting character and definitely someone who took a different approach and explored unique ideas and concepts.

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I met Geoff back in the 1970’s heyday when he was doing amazing things with the No Nose/ Lazor Zaps and had Cheyne and all the hot kids ripping on the design. Being a kid I bought the triple flyer swallow tail model and though I didn’t rip, I loved that board because it gave me such hope that surfing would progress beyond the old ‘cruising’ style.
Geoff was always focussed on his work and at times people took his name to make money but they were only taking his shine and not something that was the real Geoff McCoy.
He was robbed by someone who was meant to be managing his business and yet Geoff continued to believe in himself. Anyone would have loved to work with Geoff if only to see how a man can hold the fire and passion for 60 years.