Getting epoxy out of fin plugs?

I did an FCS job on a board for a friend and some epoxy crept in and its not coming out? should I stick with acetone or what to get this crap out of there… i tried vinigar before it cured and it got a good bit.

Hey bobmarley,

The tools you need are a set of small files among them a little rat tail file and a dremel tool. Use the dremel tool like a router to rough out the big stuff and finish things up carefully with a file. You may have to do a little chiseling.

Make on out by grinding and edge on a little flat bladed screwdriver. Use a light touch and go slowly so you don’t mess the inside of the box up.

No Worries, Rich

Like Halcyon says, some elbow grease may do it. If not, you may find it quicker to holesaw the plug

out and start over (seriously, time and effort saved versus making a save). I know that would be low

on my list but is do-able.

With regard to acetone, this may work with the PVC (the older Black plugs) but DO NOT do this with

their new PolyCarbonate ones… The PVC plugs were molded using a releasing agent so they are coated

in a wax-like substance except where you were supposed to wipe on the outside.

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the epoxy bond with the fin slot is not as good as you may think.

Chip away at it. Let us know what happened!

I have a modified chisel that has been ground down on the sides so it fits in the slot. Sometimes a resin plug can be popped or gouged out pretty easy. A trick is to smear some PVA or paste wax on the inside of the plug before installing so if it happens again the resin doesn’t bond as well.

Easiest way to clean the resin out of that fcs plug is to take a 1/4 inch drill bit grind the end flat (No point) and use it on your drill as a router, back and forth. Worked for me, good luck Mike

one more reason i love lok box

Howzit PlusOne, With the jigs in the slots it seems there shouldn't be to much epoxy in the slot to begin with and a little tape over any open areas would keep the epoxy out of the hole.Aloha,Kokua

Thanks for the input guys, ended up loosing the computer till just now. I tried the drill thing using it like a router and it worked pretty good but the fin plug is kinda ugly now…

Not diggin this epoxy shit to much… this board is for a friend and its somewhat of a disaster… my numbers 1-3 look way better and this number 4. My first two boards were PU swirls that looked show room quality… these last two with epoxy dont look so hot.

when things arent going right for me as a tradesmen it is my perogative to blame 

my tools

my materials

my apprentice

usually an uncontrolled barrage of insults at inanimate objects seems to achieve alot as well