Getting the tail patch smooth

I have a recurring glassing headache and would appreciate any help. When I laminate the tail patch on the bottom, then hotcoat, I have the darndest time getting the edge of the patch to sand out smooth. There always seems to be a slight dip at the cloth edge, which shows up even more when it gets polished. Anyone have a trick? Thanks…Doug.

When hotcoating the deck, paint up and under the lap line on the bottom and baste the tail patch (you dont tape off the board when hotcoating the deck).Let it dry and flip it over.Take a sander and pre sand all of the high spots.Tape it off and hotcaot as normal.Be careful with the sandpaper as some of it will leave color on the weave.I use 60 grit on a machine but you can do it by hand. R.Brucker

I also have trouble with getting the laps smooth. I always have random stings that separate from the cloth. I do the lap basting thing but i still end up sanding into the cloth/strings in the lap and have to put a gloss coat on to hide it. Is there anything else I can do. I do sand the basted laps some and when i get those random strings, i try to lay them down as flat as possible or cut them off. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Sylvia: I have had similar difficulties. While time consuming and a bit of an expense, what works for me is to tape the deck when laminating the bottem. I then cut the cloth about a half inch short of the tape line before laminating. When I pull the tape I cut any strings that I failed to get smooth. After the tape is pulled I am usually left with a thin edge that I find easy to lap the deck cloth over without bubbles forming. Orginally I started doing this to prevent uneven resin stains on the deck. Hope this is of some use. Patrick

Howzit Slyvia, I pull 1 or 2 strands before I lam the board, also you can push any stray strands back close to the weave before your resin kicks.Aloha, Kokua

Thank you for the advice! I’ll try it on my next board!!

Keep a pair of all metal scissors handy. After getting the laps soaked with resin, trim any hanging strands before squeegeeing the overlap. Once in awhile a strand pulls loose during the overlap squeegeeing - just keep the scissors handy. Soak the scissors in acetone to get the resin off after. I squeegee the laps starting from the middle on each side and work toward the nose and tail.

Kokua, that pulling stings out thing worked great!!! I actually was able to glass a board with no random strings!! Thanks all.

Kokua, that pulling stings out thing worked great!!! I actually was able to glass a board with no random strings!! Thanks all.

Howzit Sylvia, Amazing how the most simple solutions can be the answer to our problems,you’re welcome. Aloha, Kokua

Howzit Sylvia, Amazing how the most simple solutions can be the answer to our problems,you’re welcome. Aloha, Kokua