Getting up on twin/quad or fish DRAMATICALLY different than TRI

I am not sure if it is the fin configuration or the outline/template or rocker or ALL of the above?

I have noticed that actually getting up on a twin/quad fish is DRAMATICALLY different than a tri (even a longboard tri). The board is so fast that the board wants to shoot away from you and you almost have to pull it in towards you as you are getting up. It was really wierd the 1st time I tried a fish.

I have NEVER tried a quad shortboard, so I am not sure if this applies to to fins.

BUT, when I get up on my thrusters it is sooo much easier. You almost wait til the wave is about to break and the board seems to end up right at your feet, almost like a slight stall.

You experienced fish guys notice the same thing??

I have noticed that my quad fish takes off, really takes off, on waves quicker than my other boards, but I think it’s related to width and volume more than anything else. The shortboard sinks into the wave but the fish floats up and takes off sooner. The speed on a wave startles me every time.

yeah…i think i agree with the width/volume notion…it took a while for me to get used to my short wide thick board…seemed like i was not very stable…as far as paddling speed and popping up…i use my rails when im popping up on a shortboard, but this board i can pop off the deck…i dont know if ive ever felt the board was trying to pull away from me…maybe because i only ride small waves on it…but is nice when you can ride lots of boards…you wont be the miseable person on a potato chip not catching anything in knee high waves

They seem to get up to planing speed very quickly. Most of mine are win keeled, but it’s true of my Toby quad set-up, too. I think it’s the width/ low entry rocker.Mike

I’ve noticed the same thing, they seem to shoot away from you as they start to plane. I found mine to be slower paddling but faster planing than a standard thruster. Maybe slower paddling from the extra width? There is some good stuff about paddling and planing speeds in the Parmenter surfboard anatomy, just re-read it a couple of days ago.