Ghunt *PIC*

Gregg, I am amazed how far you have come in such a short time. Your boards look great…every one of them. Looks like real pro work! Props!

Thanks, Sling. You should come by if you’re ever in the area. I have two more 11-footers going on right now, and am getting some smaller boards back from the glasser this week.

I would like that Gregg…keep oup the great work! Its cool to have been here when you built your first board and to see your progress.

That little egg off to the side in that one pic looks quite interesting too…

Kyle Ryan’s unshaped 6’6 egg. I’ll post it this weekend.

damn, greg, you’ve got some talent there. i was just checking out your website. your boards are beauties. may have to seriously think about making my next board a hunt custom. problem is they all look so good i don’t know if i could choose. stoked for you, j.

I’ve got a 9’ Imperial on order and I’m excited to use it in the coming weeks.

Thanks for allowing me to make these boards for you guys. It’s been a great experience and I realize it must take a certain amount of faith to go with an unknown. I really appreciate everyone’s support.

Howzit Ghunt, Are you still planning a trip to Kauai in Sept. I’ve canceled my plans for a trip to the mainland and will be in the shop. Aloha, Kokua

When you get a chance, please email me: