Gimme two tags

Just made tagging your new forum topics mandatory. Just two tags. Let’s try it out.

Ok. Tags are handy when searching.

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How do I tag?

I couldnt create a new tag… wanted to tag ‘rails’ but could only select from tags that had previously been used?! So I had to use tags ‘midlength’ and ‘templates’ for a post about chine rails that does mention midlengths.?!

Sorry about that. I believe you should be able to add new, I’ll double check the configuration and create a little screen cast.

You should be able to type the tag in the tag search field and it will give you opportunity to create new one.

Just created a new topic and didn’t get the option to create a new one, at least I didn’t see it

@saltbush I edited your post and added tags. Here’s a little screencast of how I did it. Does this help? @Tom_Maniaci?

Sweet! Thanks👍 simple enough!!!

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