Glass Job

Another question for you helpful people… What is the easiest way to glass a board? I mean would this involve only laying the cloth and laminating it? Or is more needed than this? I know the fins are another story, I was just thinking of the baord as a whole. Thanks again. I feel bad asking so much of you guys when I really have no insight to return, just let me know if you tire of answering my questions. And once again, thanks.

You should really get the JC videos (shaping 101 and glassing 101). They are kind of general put do provide a good foundation. There also several books out there. They are kind of old (70s to 80s) but the techniques are all valid and will give you a better idea of the steps involved.

You should really get the JC videos (shaping 101 and glassing 101). They > are kind of general put do provide a good foundation. There also several > books out there. They are kind of old (70s to 80s) but the techniques are > all valid and will give you a better idea of the steps involved. …No we’re not tired of the questions,that’s why we,re here.You can also archive alot of info. that you need,have fun,that what it is all about.Herb.