glass job

I just glassed my first board. What a frightening experience. I have several bubbles and I wanted to know what I can do to fix them. They’re abpout the size of a quarter. Should I cut out the glass and patch it as if I were doing a ding repair? Will the sanding resin fill them in, or should I just not worry about them? Thanks.

I just glassed my first board. What a frightening experience. I have > several bubbles and I wanted to know what I can do to fix them. They’re > abpout the size of a quarter. Should I cut out the glass and patch it as > if I were doing a ding repair? Will the sanding resin fill them in, or > should I just not worry about them? Thanks. just cut them out with a razor and let the hotcoat fill in the hole.

i usually let my lam. resin cure slow. gives me enough time to smooth the cloth out. it also gives a nice heavy lam. layer, stronger board. try to have some good lighting…this will help to see the inperfections. good luck… …

I read that you shouldn’t go below 1% catalyst. Is this true? The resin I used took 5 drops per ounce at 70 degrees, would going to 3 drops be too drastic. The biggest problem I had was the laps, the first section I did went off so fast (it felt like it was 90 degrees in there!!) that I had some major bumps. I thought I had sanded them down flat enough but when I laminated the deck all those little bumps turned into big bubbles! I have since cut them out and filled with sanding resin. It’s obviously a first-timer’s board but I’m stoked anyways!