I need some help. Can you change a glass on fin without making the board look like crap?? Our, can I cut the fin off and install a box at this point.The board is orange tint with the wrong fin!!I would like to fix it and still have it look good. Please help with some info. Thanks SCSURF
I need some help. Can you change a glass on fin without making the board > look like crap?? Our, can I cut the fin off and install a box at this > point.The board is orange tint with the wrong fin!!I would like to fix it > and still have it look good.>>> Please help with some info.>>> Thanks>>> SCSURF… I have cut off fins using a dremmel tool and a cutting bit that lookes sorta like a drill bit. If you are carfull and take your time it can be done without damage to the board. After the fin is off and the area is cleaned up you should be able to put in a box with no problems. Good luck.