I am looking for a better way to catch the run off resin while glassing. Does anyone have any suggestions or pics? I was thinking about just making some sort of 2x4 frame underneath the board with 2 mil plastic to catch. Thanks.
I don’t use them anymore because I have more room and a different set up but when I did they worked well. When I made them I needed a way to keep the floor clean and get rid of the cured resin every board.
And like stated if you collet uv resin it can be reused.
Thanks WideAWAKE. That is a great way to keep the resin off the floor. Looks simple.
I plan on moving my resinnwork from the garage to the basement and I don’t want to eventually grind the resin off the cement floor.
Thanks again!
Working with epoxy resin I just mix real close to what I need, and have very little runoff. Its just a different methodology and mindset.
I agree. Epoxy is a little differeny then poly. Occasionally I use a painbrush to touch up some of the rails to avoid. Still no matter what I do have a little runoff.
I dont understand why this is so complicated , just lay down a painters plastic sheet and when you have finished glassing roll it up and throw it away , they cost $2.
Na problem is I step in it and track it all over. Then the wife gets upset. Some sweet resin swirl on my side of the garage. I want that plastic close to the bottom of the board without any restrictions.
I don’t think it’s complicated. Most glass shops use a catch tray.
Its not crazy. I’ve tried it many times and I personally think plastic on the floor sucks cause it starts to dry and gets super tacky. PITA.
ram board works better on the floor, a catch tray works even better.