Glass rope

Hey Cleanlines or who ever knows, I’m looking for some real glass rope, not this stuff that they have to replace it now. Please help, I had some but I lost it in a fire.

go to a boatyard supplier,buy a yard of,and strip the strands.ask for the clear stuff,not the green stuff.

Good tip. Think you.

…Buggie,that’s my tip I gave you!Bagman, if you’re in the O.C. SOCAL area,try Crystaliner in CostaMesa.Back in the day Gordie us to let me go in his back area and strip strands when there was no rope to be found.You can get either 16oz or 32 oz glass.Herb

I know,thought I would beat you to this post.Thanks for all the help,your the man,MAN!

Try this link. They list a 5 lb roll of what I think is fin rope along with fins and boxes…

John, What link?

click where it says “fin rope” below my message. Let the site load and scroll down through fins, boxes, install jigs, etc. to fin roving - it comes in 5 lb rolls.

The site John is providing the link for is fiberglass supply.