Glassed and tested

Hi to all, board has been glassed and tested. Goes great  frontside but seems to have issues backside. Does not want to bite on the bottom turn, tends to want to slide out. A old guy ( really rad surfer} said to harden that side of the rail. I would love your ideas on the subject ,this is my second board. thanks Catfish

Don’t believe everything old guys tell ya.

If its sliding out wouldn' it be better to soften the rail, so it stops it from sliding out??


I say surf it 3 or 4 more times before you change anything.

My guess is in the tail rocker.  Looked pretty flat. 

A little more curve, and the board would ease into the turn.  I’m guessing that you put it on rail, and nothing happens, so you push harder, until you overcome the rails resistance, and pop, a sudden turn.  Smooth gradual rocker makes smooth controlled turns.

See the difference in these two rockers?  Yours is almost flat in the middle, a little lift in the tail, and a flip in the nose.  Mine has a curve throughout, and rides really smooth, yet holds well.

[img_assist|nid=1057678|title=Rocker profile|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480][img_assist|nid=1057828|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=266]

Hi catfish -

With all due respect to other folks and their ideas it basically is what it is at this point.  It looks OK to me.  I'd start with a bigger center fin and if that doesn't fix it, go with bigger side fins as well.

Most boards that slide out can be easily fixed with more fin.

Another option, since you like it frontside already, is to increase the size of the heel-side fin only.  Freakier asymmetrical fin layouts have worked for people.



beat me to it… i think a sharper edge would release easier. softer rail will hold more

Ya, I see what you mean about the rocker. Your borad looks sweet! thanks



If its sliding out wouldn' it be better to soften the rail, so it stops it from sliding out??


beat me to it... i think a sharper edge would release easier. softer rail will hold more

[/quote]    I like the idea of the softer rail, thats just some sanding and the bigger fin on the heel side sounds like an interesting option, never would of thought of that  Thanks to All for the help catfish