Hey All, I tried search the forums for info on glassing boards with high density foam stringers but didn’t find what I was looking for.
My question is- I just finished shaping two Arctic blanks, with 1" high density foam stringers (both 6’4 hpsb). These blanks have way more flex than a blank with a wood stringer, and I am wondering what a suggested glass schedule for these would be.
I am currently planning on one layer of 4 oz x-glass on the bottom, and a layer of s-glass below another layer of x-glass on the deck. Oh, and a 3’ strip of carbon panda tape centered, on both the deck and bottom. Is that enough glass to stiffen this blank up?
A stringerless blank flexes more and is more prone to snapping. However, it has the same resiliency against normal dings and dents as a stringered blank. So what the goal, in general, is to decrease the flex and increase snap resistance. So go with a regular glass schedule but add the carbon strip to the deck of the board; possibly add a carbon strip to the bottom also.
As far as the high-density foam stringer goes, one strip of carbon should suffice; I’d put it on the bottom.
Beware: I made a board a while back with a PVC stringer that was very flexy after shaping. When I glassed it I accidentally flattened out the rocker a bit. It was something only I noticed but it still bothered me. If the blank is real flexy be sure to support it sufficiently when glassing so you don’t distort your rocker.
In my (limited) experience with X-Glass (Aerialite X), I believe you should have some E or S glass OVER the x glass. You don’t want to have the X as the top layer. Glassers with more experience please feel free to shoot me down.
You are correct. gotta cap the X because it has plastic fibers that shouldn’t be sanded. Besides, X is really good for the deck to reduce pressure dents.
YES you are correct. Must support the rocker when glassing the board. I just found that if I did a strip of carbon first and let that setup completely and then glassed the bottom (over the already hard carbon strip). That helped hold the rocker.
2 x 4 bottom, 6 x 4 deck, keep it balanced from both sides.
When doing carbon i think its a good idea to do it before you laminate and then seam roll it into the foam so it sits flush, a lot of the carbon builds the edges of the tape sits super high so most boards have to be over sanded to get them flat again, which can cause week spots.