Hi there,
I’m having some issues with making glass stick to wood!
I’ve glassed over wood in the past with no issues but never cedar.
I’ve shaped a mini simmons and made my own fins out of cedar fence wood as suggested on surfersteve.
Attempt 1; I laminated 2 layers of 6oz onto one side of each fin, left the fins on our balcony, a few hours later it rained and the cloth seemed to have lifted off the fins. So I blamed it on the rain.
Attempt 2: I waited for the fins to dry out after pulling all of attempt 1s mess off, the cloth had gone quite rigid as you would expect, but not bonded to the fin and the resin between the cloth and fin was still very tacky. So fins dried and tidied up, I did the same again. Left the fins for 36 hours, then started to cut the glass around the edges of the fins only to realise that once more it hadn’t bonded.
Attempt 3; I thought I’d give up on laminating the fins and just coat them in resin, as suggested on surfersteve. Again, the resin has set, but a fraction of a mm above the surface of the wood.
So now I’m left with the issue of how to stick the fins to the board, if I can’t make resin stick to the fin!
I thought it could have something to do with the treatment applied to the wood for exterior use. The wood was orangey when I bought it, and after all my sanding and foiling it was a lovely whitey yellow colour, so I would have thought that most of the treated wood has gone. I’ve been using standard polyester resin that I’ve used before from Surfblanks in Sydney.
I’m sure it’s something very simple and would very much appreciate knowing what I’m doing wrong as it would seem a shame to buy some fins and put plugs in after all that sanding!
Thanks in advance.